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Thread: Ban on slimming pills/weight management products

  1. #1

    Angry Ban on slimming pills/weight management products

    I have just been told that I can no longer list my products, which I have been doing (and still am) on ebay for many months. Can anybody throw any light on the rationale behind this?? I have been selling these products for about 4 months on ebid and am suddenly told i can no longer do so. Here is a copy of my reply to ebid:
    "Nowhere in your rules can I find a prohibition on weight management products. You even have categories for such items where there are listed many such items. My products are made from entirely natural ingredients and don't contain ephedrine or similar drugs and are readily obtainable in health shops, online stores and on eBay (where I and many more sellers sell hundreds of these every day): http://health-beauty.listings.ebay.c...istingItemList
    You should update your posting rules if you now wish to ban such products (which are entirely legal and obtainable without prescription).
    You might also consider banning pornography (including violent pornography) which appears to be what ebid is specialising in, as most people consider such items extremly offensive.

    thank you
    vitaSlim Weight Management Products"

    Your comments would be welcome. Also does anybody agree with me that Porn should be banned from ebid?

  2. #2


    I don't know about the slimming pills, but 'adult' material has a special section which you have to confirm that you are an adult before entering. All images are censored too.
    If you see any outside of this area, report it in the Auction Patrol section and it will be removed.

    The only way of sensibly losing weight is to eat less and exercise. Quite simple really, no need to waste money on pills.

  3. #3

    Default Reply to rolfharrisunderpants

    Thank you for your comments.
    As a seller of porn your views are understandable.
    Last edited by vitaslim; 1st September 2005 at 10:13 AM. Reason: spelling mistake

  4. #4



    Can you contact support@ebid.tv
    Attention: Mark

    So that I can help.

    Home of the Zero Fee Online Auction
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  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by vitaslim
    You might also consider banning pornography (including violent pornography) which appears to be what ebid is specialising in, as most people consider such items extremly offensive.
    Firstly you are talking utter drivel. Figures prove that the Adult market is the most profitable and widely used catagory on or offline.

    Secondly eBid does not specialise in porn, it merely allows the sale of adult goods as it does any other legal goods.

    Thirdly If most people considered pornography extremely offensive they wouldnt buy it.

    Fourthly Anyone who finds it offensive is perfectly free to NOT click on the catagory, and NOT agree to view the items.

    And finally, you are entitled to your own personal opinion, however i fail to see how that entitles you to suggest that a catagory you personally find offensive should be removed. Who made you God?

    For myself I have to state that slimming pills are a waste of money, the same or better results can be obtained with healthy eating and regular exercise. But I certainly wouldnt suggest that a legal item should not be allowed on ebid simply because of my own bias.

    I guess thats the difference, I respect other peoples opinions and freedom of choice, even if i dont agree with them, and dont try to impose my ideals on others as I dont assume I am so much better than anyone else.

  6. #6

    Exclamation My REPLY !

    Did you get in touch with MARK from support .......as requested? If so,
    did you come up with a solution or compromise ........I too could not
    locate a RULE VIOLATION ....!!

    I Would, as many eBidders would, like to know what the out-come of this matter has been accomplished......


  7. #7


    The problem appears to be resolved now after comms with Mark. I've just relisted one of my products. I'll keep my fingers crossed that it will stay listed, and if so I'll try some more.
    Thank you everyone for your support.

  8. #8

    Exclamation My REPLY !

    Quote Originally Posted by vitaslim
    The problem appears to be resolved now after comms with Mark. I've just relisted one of my products. I'll keep my fingers crossed that it will stay listed, and if so I'll try some more.
    Thank you everyone for your support.
    That is great News ........I have reviewed your Present Auctions
    and I expect you might be getting some sales, due to your pro-
    duct description provided .........


  9. #9

    Smile Weight Management Products

    Thank you for that.
    All I need now are some sales!!


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