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Thread: Has anyone sold to Australia?

  1. #11
    Forum Master gazlannathai's Avatar
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    Nakhon Ratchasima Thailand (Not Singapore), Singapore, United Kingdom
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    Quote Originally Posted by mistymountains
    maybe if some of you arranged to have bank accounts in our country to pay into like some of the chinese do there would be less dramas.,
    First let's look at the realities - most banks require you to walk into one of their branches in order to open an account. You also usually have to provide proof of residential address and of employer within the country in which the bank branch is located, and a photo ID.
    As an expatriate in SE Asia, I am well aware that when not in the country of your nationality, the only photo-ID that is normally accepted is a passport.

    I think you will find that the Chinese operate by having an Australian-resident family member or trusted friend open an account in that residents name. They then forward the bank book and card to the person who wanted the account. They then operate the account as if it was their own, but from afar.

    It is a course of action tthat happens all the time in many East Asian countries - e.g. western "boyfriends" opening bank accounts for Thai girlfriends in order to make it easier to send them money because the buffalo died or some such similar money-grubbing excuse.

    What would be more useful (to you and others) would be to do a little research and find out which Australian banks will open accounts for overseas non-resident non-citizen applicants. Personally I'd open one to make it easier for my Australian buyers - anything that increases sales and security of payment receipt is fine by me.


  2. #12



    That's a nice warm invitation - but the eBid buying public is a little disheartening. I guess small buying numbers don't help when you're trying to sell niche market items. I've listed lots of material which would have been snapped up elsewhere, but not here. I'll continue for a while, because of the eBid philosophy.. but...

  3. #13


    I have been a powerseller on ebay for few years, there format is crisp,clear and they give the support to match. Ebay is clear in having .au site(australian) which undoubtedly has many overseas sellers but it is clear and they use payment methods the same as us(familiarity). This site lists prices as aussie unlike ebay which states the currency of the seller and then your local currency clearly..food for thought ebid. Currently there is an across the board negative vibe from aussie ebayers towards overseas sellers 'on ebay' flooding the market with crap products, no service and extremely slow delivery. Don't get me wrong there are many great new overseas sellers entering the market with great products.
    In australia, ebay has no competition so it is always gonna be hard to enter the market especially when every search word through engines like google,yahoo and the like (aussie .au)bring up Ebid - a UK auction site. No keywords other than ebid will bring up any reference to Ebid(no-one looks after the first few pages of links). Ebid is not affiliated into forums,shopping networks or public news in any way. 99.9% of the country would not know you existed. I just found out about this site accidentally a week ago while searching for info on a Haybusa of all things(3rd page link).
    I'm willing to give the site ago but with these things as well as others like payment methods we are not familiar with, poor listing formats, glitches...there is gonna be a bit of a negative vibe from aussies unless some support and familiarity is given.
    Added - Not at all inpressed with the 7 or 8 per day Uk spam emails since signing up either...
    Last edited by aquaproonline; 18th September 2005 at 08:32 AM.

  4. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by sanddancer
    I had an Australian bid on an item. She failed to respond to my emails so I have had to give her negative feedback. So beware of amydwyer1977 she is a NPB, I have blackballed her so she cannot bid on any more of my items.

    Has anyone else has bids and then not been able to complete the sale because of lack of communication from Australian bidders?

    I have posted to australia loads of times on the other auction.you do get some bidders from overseas not paying.

  5. #15


    My main NPBs are in the USA. Perhaps its distance, rather than nationality that is a factor in failed transactions.
    Mind you - when it comes to slow responses, the Brits I've bought from seem to a bit glacial.

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