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Thread: G&M Beware. Heads Up For Members.

  1. #91


    Quote Originally Posted by damian_steele
    Simon, Kazzi has admitted to being PheasantPlukka. Read it for yourself, the post is still round here somewhere.

    I agree though, it really does have to stop. People who are banned should stop returning to the forum and causing trouble which only stirs up the regulars against each other. Just like today.
    ok fair enough,i hadnt read that, sorry, but this has been going on for days now, and its getting a little bit sad

  2. #92


    Originally Posted by dragonmist
    Also, Kazzi did not get barred for being a troll.

    I repeat. That was not what got her barred. A lot of us know why she was barred, and it was a long time ago, and water under the bridge as far as most of us are concerned. She uses a Troll ID because she was barred. Others did a lot worse and got a light slap on the wrist and were allowed straight back on here because they grovelled to G&M. If you are not prepared to grovel, and especially if you are a woman who is not prepared to grovel, the ban can be endless. Ask Merlinman about the abject apology you are expected to make. He came back umpteen times under different names too. Going to attack him too are you?
    There was a troll on here after Kazzi and her husband got beaten up, using almost exactly the phrases about Kazzi deserving it as you just did.
    No-one can ever do or say anything to deserve being beaten by a pack of mindless thugs. How do you think her husband felt as they held him down while she got smashed in the face by a stiletto heel? How would you have felt if it was your wife, and you were unable to help? Or would you stand to one side and say she deserved it because she opened her mouth? You really are a piece of work aren't you Damian?

  3. #93
    Forum Master pheasantplukka's Avatar
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    roflmao damien! talk about showing your true colours and scraping the barrel!

    you know nothing and I am not going to stand here and go over events that happened in my private life with you! yes big mistake evr posting the viscous attack details here byt hey we all learn by our mistakes.

    My husband has read what you have slanderously stated on this thread. ironically if you had bothered to read the op message maybe you would of used a bit more savvy and taken a different tak on things!
    however, as history has proved itself with you in the past, you just can not hack anyone telling you what a useless nasty vindictive sly git you really are.

    Now then, I do have proof of YOU trolling it up big style in Pm's and tracey knows that I have, if I can get hold of the nice person that showed me copies of pm's that YOU WERE sending members behind my back I shall ask them if I may say their name. Unlike many other people here, I do not sling stuff about that is told to me in private [unless their name is nightslave of course ]

    feel free to continue hating me because I find it amusing that I get under your skin so much so, to the point that you sanction the scale of violence both me and my husband endured, it just shows you up for the real deal saddo that you are but then secretly, I know 3/4 of board members knew that anyway.

    as for members hating me here, cool thats their perogative but for someone so hated I have one hell of a lot of pm's supporting me, and in my eyes thats what counts to me!

  4. #94
    Forum Master pheasantplukka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dragonmist
    Originally Posted by dragonmist
    Also, Kazzi did not get barred for being a troll.

    I repeat. That was not what got her barred. A lot of us know why she was barred, and it was a long time ago, and water under the bridge as far as most of us are concerned. She uses a Troll ID because she was barred. Others did a lot worse and got a light slap on the wrist and were allowed straight back on here because they grovelled to G&M. If you are not prepared to grovel, and especially if you are a woman who is not prepared to grovel, the ban can be endless. Ask Merlinman about the abject apology you are expected to make. He came back umpteen times under different names too. Going to attack him too are you?
    There was a troll on here after Kazzi and her husband got beaten up, using almost exactly the phrases about Kazzi deserving it as you just did.
    No-one can ever do or say anything to deserve being beaten by a pack of mindless thugs. How do you think her husband felt as they held him down while she got smashed in the face by a stiletto heel? How would you have felt if it was your wife, and you were unable to help? Or would you stand to one side and say she deserved it because she opened her mouth? You really are a piece of work aren't you Damian?

    ahhhh beryl please dont let this numbnut upset you, I honestly dont give a fig what he says anymore, and in a way he has done us all a favour by his extreme comments.....you know you have to really hate someone to feel that bitter still 2 years later, amazing really coz I have had a **** life and some people have done some horrendous things to me in teh past that would get them jailed and do you know hand on heart I can not say that I hate anyone, so how damien can feel this much hate towards someone he has NEVER met or spoken to is beyond me and just makes it very clear that HE is the one with problems!

    I would just like to say that I am overwhelmed by the kind pm's and the support I have received, it really does bring back the GOOD memories that I once shared with so many here....Thanks peeps XXX

    Ps. snippet from beryls post "using almost exactly the phrases about Kazzi deserving it as you just did" ....I must admit judging by my pm's a lot of others agree with that, we havnt all got a 3 sec memory span

  5. #95

    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by pheasantplukka
    talk about showing your true colours and scraping the barrel!
    As you have done, continuously, on many, many occasions.

    It is you who keeps returning here and using various fake IDs to stir up trouble.

    It is you who continually sets forum members against each other and then pleads to be little miss innocent.

    You are far from innocent and people here who are falling for your BS should know better and stop defending your actions.

    Quote Originally Posted by pheasantplukka
    yes big mistake evr posting the viscous attack details here byt hey we all learn by our mistakes.
    If only you did, Kazzi. Then perhaps you would stop Trolling this forum.

    Quote Originally Posted by pheasantplukka
    you just can not hack anyone telling you what a useless nasty vindictive sly git you really are.
    Your opinion is your own and obviously you'll not change it. Big deal.

    What I cannot hack is Trolls like you cming here time and time a-bloody-gain, with your tired old lines, your pathetic accusations and the same barrel of shyte which gets opened and spilled on every occasion.

    YOU cause these problems and then sit back and pretend that you are the hard done by little miss innocent.

    Get the message Kazzi: you are banned and are not wanted here. Go away!

    Quote Originally Posted by pheasantplukka
    Now then, I do have proof of YOU trolling it up big style in Pm's and tracey knows that I have, if I can get hold of the nice person that showed me copies of pm's that YOU WERE sending members behind my back I shall ask them if I may say their name.
    Until you raised your sad little head and admitted to your latest bout of Trolling, I had not even thought of you, let alone sent anyone PMs about you. So what's next? Will you drag up more shyte from the past to destroy the forum? Are you going to accuse me of all sorts to cover the fact that YOU are the problem?

    Quote Originally Posted by pheasantplukka
    Unlike many other people here, I do not sling stuff about that is told to me in private
    Right. Of course you don't. That's why you posted the PM I sent to you at the time you were slagging me off after you'd got yourself a kicking. That's why you deliberately misquoted as well and changed the meaning into something that was never there in the first place.

    Quote Originally Posted by pheasantplukka
    feel free to continue hating me because I find it amusing that I get under your skin so much so, to the point that you sanction the scale of violence both me and my husband endured
    I sanction nothing. I do, however, point out yet again that it is your own attitude that gets you into trouble. You run your mouth off, cause upset and problems and then pretend to be innocent and play the victim. Well that doesn't wash with me. I know what a Troll you are and having a few old mates to stand up for you doesn't change the dozens of occasions where you've shown yourself to be lowlife.

    Quote Originally Posted by pheasantplukka
    as for members hating me here, cool thats their perogative but for someone so hated I have one hell of a lot of pm's supporting me, and in my eyes thats what counts to me!
    Whatever fiction makes you happy, little child. You swap messages with as many little friends as makes you feel happy. Your dislike of me makes sooooooo much difference in my life.
    Last edited by damian_steele; 17th September 2005 at 02:02 PM.

  6. #96


    Quote Originally Posted by dragonmist
    Ask Merlinman about the abject apology you are expected to make. He came back umpteen times under different names too. Going to attack him too are you?[/color][/b]
    You seem to have missed the point, Beryl.

    Your friendship with Kazzi has yet again blinded you to the fact that it was SHE who came on here and attacked ME.

    It was SHE who then continued her Trolling.

    It was SHE who has once again split the forum and set members against each other.

    This is EXACTLY what she does on each of her visits here and yet you continue to defend her. Why is that? Why are you so keen to keep a self confessed Troll in this forum?

    As for Dave, no, I have no problem with him. He has not deliberately Trolled the forum and attacked me on numerous occasions. Unlike Kazzi.

    With regard to the policy of banned users returning or not, that is something that you should take up with G&M. After all, it is they who set the policy on their site. Users who disagree with that policy will not make it change by moaning about it here.

  7. #97
    Forum Saint rainbowcraft's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pheasantplukka

    Now then, I do have proof of YOU trolling it up big style in Pm's and tracey knows that I have, if I can get hold of the nice person that showed me copies of pm's that YOU WERE sending members behind my back I shall ask them if I may say their name. Unlike many other people here, I do not sling stuff about that is told to me in private [unless their name is nightslave of course ]
    Is that Tracey me?

  8. #98


    Get the message Kazzi: you are banned and are not wanted here. Go away!
    Can i just say, you do not speak for everyone on this point!....

    Going back to hidey hole and lurking position.......


  9. #99


    And of course Damian, you never attacked anyone ever?

    It was your attack on her that stinks. Maybe someone should give you a good kicking? Then everyone could say "Poor Damian, but he deserved it for opening his mouth." Get a life.

    Like most people here I replied to Kazzi's posts on here, and had the odd set to with her, but I don't think I was ever counted amongst her close circle of friends. She does however have a very close circle of friends. On the other hand I would defend anyone who was spoken about like you did about her and her husband, even if they were my worst enemy. No-one deserved the beating she and her husband got. If you think they did, then you are sick.
    We have a right of Free Speech in this country. We do not have the right to kick sh*t out of someone because we disagree with them. If you think different go join the BNP. They are always looking for members with that sort of attitude.

  10. #100


    Quote Originally Posted by dragonmist
    And of course Damian, you never attacked anyone ever?
    Whether I have or have not done something does not change the fact that Kazzi has been caught YET AGAIN acting as a Troll in this forum. YET AGAIN members are set against each other because of what SHE began. I would have thought that you would know better than to defend Trolling from anyone, no matter how innocent they pretend to be.

    Quote Originally Posted by dragonmist
    It was your attack on her that stinks.
    My attack on her? I brought up a valid point to show off the relevant aspect of her character. I raised information that she herself put into the public domain.

    Now do me a favour and stop misquoting what I actually said - your actions are exactly akin to hers in that respect.

    Quote Originally Posted by dragonmist
    Maybe someone should give you a good kicking? Then everyone could say "Poor Damian, but he deserved it for opening his mouth." Get a life.
    So you feel it is perfectly fine for someone to enter a situation and make provocative, inappropriate remarks which are almost certain to get them into trouble, and then be surprised when that trouble comes a-knocking? which planet are you on Beryl?

    Stop defending Kazzi's actions by accusing me of other things. Whether I am guilty of something or not does not change a single thing that she has said or done.

    Quote Originally Posted by dragonmist
    On the other hand I would defend anyone who was spoken about like you did about her and her husband, even if they were my worst enemy. No-one deserved the beating she and her husband got. If you think they did, then you are sick.
    Now go and find the exact quote where I am supposed to have said that and post it here.

    Quote Originally Posted by dragonmist
    We have a right of Free Speech in this country. We do not have the right to kick sh*t out of someone because we disagree with them. If you think different go join the BNP. They are always looking for members with that sort of attitude.
    There you are again believing her version of events.

    I will say this one more time in a larger font for those who find small text hard to read:

    I told Kazzi that I was not surprised she got a kicking if her attitude in the real world was the same as it was in here. I told Kazzi that it is unfair of her to expect her bloke to get her out of trouble which is caused by her mouth.

    So where am I supposed to have said that she deserves a kicking?

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