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Thread: Dollars or Pound Sterling

  1. #1

    Talking Dollars or Pound Sterling

    Hi there in good ol' Blighty! The nice thing about being in the US is I AM YOUNGER than you by at least 7 hours....hehehe!

    When I was browsing the site as a guest (yes, lurking in the dark...) I noticed that all my items appear to the visitor with prices in pound sterling, as if I would sell only for the UK market. In fact, most of my sales are likely to take place within the US since I am also in the US...so, why not showing the prices to the visitors in US$?

    Warning: THIS IS NOT A QUIZ OR WORD GAME. There may be several correct answers!

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by wildrose05
    When I was browsing the site as a guest

    ..so, why not showing the prices to the visitors in US$?
    I'd guess that the default settings are for the UK as eBid is UK based. Unless you sign in the system doesn't know your country preferences.

  3. #3


    Thanks, Damian - one possible guess. But there are two lines for price, could the bottom line not be turned into U$ price? Nay, the more I am thinking about it, then we needed a third (CAN $) and fourth line (AUSSIE $) and that would be way too crowded. SO, topic stuck.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by wildrose05
    Thanks, Damian - one possible guess. But there are two lines for price, could the bottom line not be turned into U$ price? Nay, the more I am thinking about it, then we needed a third (CAN $) and fourth line (AUSSIE $) and that would be way too crowded. SO, topic stuck.
    Like I said, when you sign in the appropriate currency will be shown. There's no point displaying loads of different currencies if they have no relevance to either the seller or the buyer.

    If the item is being sold by a UK seller and the buyer signs in on the US site, then I'd expect to see the price in both pounds and dollars.

  5. #5


    Except that my browser is set on the US eBid site, not the UK one...as a default.

    I hope your precious health is splendid.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by wildrose05
    Except that my browser is set on the US eBid site, not the UK one...as a default.
    Your individual defaults only work when you sign in.

    The defaults for a guest are probably as I have already stated.

  7. #7
    Administrator gazza's Avatar
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    If you are a US eBidder then when browsing the US site all price will be shown in USD, items being sold by users from outside the US will be shown in USD and the home currency of the seller.

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