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Thread: Animal chat

  1. #1
    Forum Saint pupsandpets's Avatar
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    Unhappy Animal chat

    Our previous request for beloved pets hasn't seemed to work, so I try again for an animal chat forum.............PLEASE!
    We love our pets & creatures........
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  2. #2
    Forum Saint HannaHolly's Avatar
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    I hate to be a spoilsport- but what has an animal chat forum got to do with ebid? setting up an additional forum will take additional resource- the same resource we need to solve our auction problems!.
    I think The Kitchen table forum is ideal for people to post all off topic subjects. Why not start an animal chat thread there?

  3. #3

    Smile Good question...

    ...and here is the nonetheless good answer. Hi Val, thanks for your input into this topic! I take it this is your personal opinion, because you do not seem to be employed by eBid, ehh? Those of us who requested a chat board for pets or nature, did not send the request to you, but since you have responded to our request anyway, I do not see why not respond to your response?

    You are saying,

    "...but what has an animal chat forum got to do with ebid?"

    The same as a TICKET forum, may be? Especially when it is described as follows:

    Touchy subject for some, but chat freely here, remember, no selling please!!

    I am not a professional sports fan, and some others may not be either...the chances I will buy tickets to the Covent Garden or the Sidney Opera from the US are miniscule, too. However, Nature and Pets are topics masses of people are interested in, and may be able to bond no matter what continent they live on, and what cultural preferences they have otherwise

    You are also saying:

    "...setting up an additional forum will take additional resource- the same resource we need to solve our auction problems!"

    That statement pretty much sounds to me like you are trying to make us feel guilty, or to say the least, careless, for having submitted a request?

    I think with proper reorganization here and there, our chat room will be able to function without requiring additional resources (again, I must ask you, where do you know about the limits of those resources unless you are directly involved in the design of this web site)?! The suggestion of replacing the Ticket chat room by Pet or Nature Lovers Forum is just one out of many possible ways of solving the problem; but I do not see why adding another chat board would harm eBid's interests? Just the opposite is true!

    And thrirdly: because some of use may not exactly be happy with chatting about our private body parts. There are also two other topics I never (ever) discuss on chatboards, and one of them is politics, the other is religion. I just tend to be tolerant of a variety of cultures and beliefs, as is worthy of somebody who believes in democracy (oops! I just said something political). I have seen here very offensive postings about our US President - and I haven't even voted for him, but still, insulting remarks in public against the president of a country are way out of tact, and may have already cost eBid several people's membership who turned around on the spot and left before registering. If any of us US people would have posted similar attacks on Tony Blair, or the Queen, (or, God forgive for even saying, one of the beloved heirs to the throne) how would you have felt? I am a member of several other online forums, on NONE of them would have been such postings allowed, or they would have been pulled minutes after posted. Not because the person who dislikes him has no right to do so or express it; but because the chatboards here are open for reading to all, and some may feel offended by such venting. Topics like this should be off limits because they create nothing but trouble, and would end up in a mud-throwing useless debate. The boards, the way I see it, are like a shop-window to a business like this one. Someone mentioned the need for a board moderator, I could not agree more!

    In order to personally feel better and safer on the boards, I visualize a chat room where we chat about the beauty of life, and how much joy and even healing comes to us humans from the presence of animals! As a health care professional, I know we all have a variety of methods of dealing with stress; to me there seems to be no better method than discussing the funny, odd and upliftingly beautiful stories revolving around our pets! Without having to wade through a number of chats that reflect on rather intimate variations to stress relief.

    I hope this explains WHY we requested the pet chat room...Have a nice day.
    Last edited by wildrose05; 30th September 2005 at 01:40 PM. Reason: typos

  4. #4
    Forum Saint pupsandpets's Avatar
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    Hello Wildrose - Wow that took some reading! Good for you and thanks for the support.
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  5. #5

    Smile Hello

    Dear Flippy Floppy and ALL pet-lovers, I hope you are well!

    Have a nice day!
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  6. #6
    Forum Saint pupsandpets's Avatar
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    Hi Wildrose
    Where've you been lately?
    Love the picture - who is it?
    Holly (my dog) got herself drunk last night stealing paul's can of beer - she ran off with the can, tipped it on the kitchen floor and licked it up and was more doppy and stupid than usual.

  7. #7


    Hi Flip FLops - hehehe, great story! I hope the doggy won't need detox?

    I am sorry I had very little time lately, and now I even decided to close down all my auctions here. I am moving out of state...yeah, the dream of all Americans, packing boxes involved...but it is a very positive change to our life style! So, farewell for now, I will continue checking in once in a while, but as for selling, it may require a few months to get settled there and so I might return to this after a while. I also donated some items. I have deleted my listings instead of closing them...that was not smart, but I guess it is too late to change this. Should be no problem to reload them if I am ready to list again, as I have all my listings saved. I hope you continue to do well, and hope to chat with you and some others here soon! Best of luck with your sales!
    Last edited by wildrose05; 1st October 2005 at 05:24 PM.

  8. #8
    Forum Saint pupsandpets's Avatar
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    Oh that's such a shame........ But best of luck to you hope all goes well.
    Take care x x x
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  9. #9


    Hi I forgot to answer to your question, WHO the puppy is...he is MOOCH, a German shepard, belongs to a friend of mine, and he was only 9 weeks old on this one. The pic was taken from above, that is why he looks so funny. His ears were at the time disproportionately LARGE~ and no whe is a lovely dog! Still looking you right in the eyes, and very very curious! he is a delightful little clown. By the way, don't worry, I will check the boards once in a while...Not until the last day when we are moving will I have a break in computer access, and then I will check again after the new system is running. Take care!

  10. #10
    Forum Saint pupsandpets's Avatar
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    That's good news.
    Hey there were some fab doggy pics around yesterday in the forums - did you see them? Take a look at Glitzy Xmas & captions 2!

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