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Thread: Compassion fatigue?

  1. #1

    Question Compassion fatigue?

    I don't know about you lot, but I am currently "disastered out". There just seem to have been so many major events recently:

    The tsunami
    the bird flu
    the Iraq and Afghanistan wars
    the earthquakes in Sumatra
    the train bombings and other terrorist threats in London
    the florida storms
    the Louisianna storms
    the oil prices rocketing and fuel price fluctuations
    The Bali bombings
    the Taiwan typhoon AND accompanying earthquake
    the south American tropical storms, flooding and mud slides
    the brush fires in California
    the flooding in New Hampshire, USA
    the huge fire burning the props and sets for Wallace & Grommit
    the earthquake in Pakistan, India and Afghanistan

    and on and on it goes.

    Everybody living either in terror or in terrible conditions.
    Everybody with their hands out and their eyes full of tears.

    I'm finding it very hard to be sympathetic with anyone right now. It's just too hard to care about so much for so long.

    Does anyone else feel this way or is it just me?

  2. #2
    Forum Diehard Paulwillhappy's Avatar
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    NOT REALLY ? Having 3 Children & Lots of Friends and Family i have alot of Room for compassion & Sympathy.
    Never take your loo for granted Camping sucks.......

  3. #3


    Yep! I know exactly what you mean. Doesn't mean I'll stop donating... (forgotten the name of the fund.... not shoebox.. but something similar... ), but I no longer get upset seeing pictures of dead bodies on the news anymore.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Paulwillhappy
    NOT REALLY ? Having 3 Children & Lots of Friends and Family i have alot of Room for compassion & Sympathy.
    So you'll be giving generously to the disaster relief appeal at
    https://www.donate.bt.com/bt_form_dec.html I assume?

    I'm also wondering why you included the angry icon? Does it upset you that I feel this way? If so, why?

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by damian_steele

    I'm finding it very hard to be sympathetic with anyone right now. It's just too hard to care about so much for so long.

    Does anyone else feel this way or is it just me?
    Not like you DS.

    I feel okay, because they are not going to go away (those sorts of events you listed) well not in the forseeable future anyway, they may even get worse, before they get better.
    Mind you Wallace & Grommit that's a new one on me.

  6. #6


    disasters ARE rife at the moment aren't they? Daren't look at the bbc website any more in fear of another "disaster"

    Maybe this is it... the END OF THE WORRRRRRRLD !!!!

    *dons a sandwich board and grows a beard and roams around declaring the end of the world is nigh*

    Is full of good stuff !

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by damian_steele
    I'm also wondering why you included the angry icon? Does it upset you that I feel this way? If so, why?
    Oh, come on Happy willy. You spent all that time with this thread open but still didn't reply?!

    Why leave me in the dark?

    Are you saying that you have all this compasion and sympathy for everyone else, but you can spare none for me? You just want to leave me here feeling somewhat offended and wondering what you meant?

    That's not being a stand up kinda guy, now is it?

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by funky_fudge_factory
    Maybe this is it... the END OF THE WORRRRRRRLD !!!!

    *dons a sandwich board and grows a beard and roams around declaring the end of the world is nigh*

    Now that I'd pay to see.

  9. #9

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Paulwillhappy
    NOT REALLY ? Having 3 Children & Lots of Friends and Family i have alot of Room for compassion & Sympathy.
    I will go with that

  10. #10


    The only thing we can ever really change is our very own reactions to these things.

    "Two men look out through the bars, one sees mud and one sees stars..."
    If the cap doesn't fit, why choose to wear it?

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