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Thread: PayPal or PPPay

  1. #1

    Red face PayPal or PPPay

    Hi guys, I have been reading these postings about preferred payment methods, and I am still undecided what to do. Currently, on all my auctions here on eBid I marked PPPay only although I do have a PayPal accout for years. Recently, the mistakes PPAL has been making became too much to me, personally to be enthusiastic about them. A few weeks ago they took out two of my PPAL debit card purchases TWICE from my account, under the pending status and under the finalized as well. When I called in, they first told me they have to switch me to another support person, and asked me if it is going to be OK to wait 7 minutes max. I said, 'f course, sure. After 46 minutes of waiting while nobody got back with me, I called back the same person who was apologetic, and reassured me she will personally now send an internal mail to the engineers to fix my two false charges, and credit my acct; and she'll email me overnight.

    Needless to say, no email and no fixing on my acct next morning! I called back a third time, and only after insisting I will otherwise cancel my acct did they finally promise to fix it (24 hrs later they did). Fact is, they have been using MY money, MY time and that for over 4 days total! the next adventure was just a few weeks ago when they charged me on my bank account instead of the other payment method I selected - again, no fixing yet of the case. I am somewhat disheartened to naming them on my new selling venture here in eBid! I have been accepting money orders from US customers along PPal on ebay, but I can't do this with international sales here: I do not see an option for International M/O?

    Although I am new to PPPay, I heard some good stuff about them and I figured they deserve to be given a chance. May be they are not known yet because they are new like eBid (but who knew about PPAL 8 yrs ago? A few only). However, now I am all confused again, since so many are saying here PPPay is not as popular as PPal, and I don't want to loose out on sales just because I am not offering PPal as an option. I am thinking about may be adding on at least one more pmt option but donno which one...Hmmm...
    Last edited by wildrose05; 16th September 2005 at 06:55 PM.

  2. #2



    Prefer Nochex.

  3. #3

    Smile Nochex

    Hi - thanks for your reply. I don't think NOCHEX works for sellers who live in the US and have no bank account overseas. Have a nice day!
    Last edited by wildrose05; 16th September 2005 at 08:16 PM.

  4. #4



  5. #5


    Sorry it's got to be paypal, It is the only online payment method people know and feel "safe" with as it is promted by ebay (surprise surprise)

    O ther payment methods are good but the hardest problem is getting your buyers to use them!

    Personally if ever I had that much hassle you had here in england I would be complaing to my bank or credit card company.

  6. #6

    Default Updated w PayPal

    Hi to all who contributed, in writing or through telepathy: After much tipidation I have decided to add PayPal to the payment options to my listings. Have a nice day!

  7. #7


    I also only use Paypal.

    That includes buying and selling. If a seller does't except Paypal I move on.

    Have a great day!


  8. #8


    On here and t' other place I accept Paypal, PPPay, and Nochex. Paypal is the one everyone wants to use of course - I think I've had one payment through PPP and three through Nochex over the past few months.
    I'm trying to move my buyers onto bank transfer though - no expense for buyer or seller, very fast, and much safer from the seller's point of view - but at the end of the day it's up to the buyer.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by KpTech
    I'm trying to move my buyers onto bank transfer though - no expense for buyer or seller, very fast, and much safer from the seller's point of view.
    In Canada the sender incurs a charge, The charge for my bank on an international transfer is $30 Canadian. We transfer money often from Canada to Thailand for business and to pay for our mortgage .
    From Thailand and Way Beyond Siam

  10. #10


    PayPal any day - PPPay is the biggest piece of c*ap I have ever seen - just trying to use it this morning and I get 404 error for their page... *sigh*

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