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Thread: "Free Money" Virus Warning

  1. #1

    Default "Free Money" Virus Warning

    If you receive an email message, with the subject line "Free Money," DO NOT read the message. Delete it immediately, unplug your computer, then burn it to ashes in a government-approved toxic waste disposal incinerator.

    Once a computer is infected, it will be too late. Your computer will begin to emit a vile odor. Then it will secrete a foul, milky discharge. Verily, it shall screech with the tortured, monitor-shattering scream of a thousand hell-scorched souls, drawing unwanted attention to your work area/home from co-workers and supervisors/neighbours alike. After violently ripping itself from the wall, your computer will punch through your office/home window as it streaks into the night, howling like a banshee. Once free, it will spend the rest of its days sodomising household pets and mocking the Pope.

    Some filthy, disgusting miscreant ... some no-good, low-down, good-for-nothing dirty snake, in twisted pursuit of his own sadistic dreams, is sending this virus across the Net, via an e-mail entitled "Free Money." What is so terrifying about this virus is that you do not even have to open the e-mail, for it to activate. In fact, you do not even need to receive the e-mail. You do not even need to own a computer. "Free Money" can infect even minor household appliances.
    How it does this is frankly, a matter of some debate ... but BELIEVE US, if this weren't a SERIOUS situation, we wouldn't be discussing it in ALL CAPS.

    So for the LOVE OF GOD, forward this e-mail to all those you claim to care about, all those you purport to love.

    Don't do it later! Do it NOW! NOW! NOW! NOW! NOW! NOW!

    Last edited by ziggyslovechild; 9th December 2005 at 07:50 PM.

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