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Thread: Things your cat brings in

  1. #11


    That's probably about 90 to 100 or so, as the oldest cat I've known lived to 21.

  2. #12


    i never thought about cats getting mugged for their collars, mine went out one morning with one on and when it came back no collar! must of been one of the gang that is always hanging around the bin bags on a tuesday morning!
    My other one is a bugger for bringing you gifts, a couple of mice, voals, and frogs but mostly birds, alive for a while!
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  3. #13


    lol. Yeah, sometimes the oldest cat would come back with their collar, but the ID tag had been taken off. Now they prefer to stay indoors and look through the window or the cat flap. The youngest two have no road sense whatsoever.

    My sis has two "adopted" cats. They are cats from her row of houses that spots a sucker with a tin of tuna from a mile away. have their breakfast at home, rush round to my sisters for food and a fuss from her boys, then off to the next sucker's house. One of them likes to lie in wait in the birdhouse in their front garden - I guess he thinks it's an all-you-can-eat buffet table.

  4. #14


    my cat deposited the biggest pile of poo on my chinese rug this morning (just fits in the washing machine thank god)
    lovely to wake up to
    stepped on it
    was nearly SICK
    not bought any birds or rats in or anything else like that
    would have preferred that

  5. #15


    Over the last five years our cats, now 10 f them, have brought in a multitude of items.
    We've had a load of birds. A couple of them have fought back so the RSPCA lady came to collec them to release them in a more bird-friendly environment.
    Kylie has brought in frogs. We don't even have a pond. No one does. Think it was the plastic barrel laid in the 'natural' part of our garden. Filled with water and a frog. I think once she licked it though, she quickly lost interest, and threw up.
    Stella, in the summe brings in bees and wasps. Not little one, but bloody big ones, with their own landing lights!! Never been stung though.
    Alll the miec that get brought in are usually dead or eaten. Some have been rescued and legged it. Only to be brought back in later...guess there are some things you can't stop.
    Sammy brought in her foetus, gave birth to her, and then went away again some months later....weird.
    Some of the cats have brought friends back...been cleaned, fed and never left since. That's probably because they're spoilt.
    Wedge brings in hair bobbles and rubber bands (from postie).
    Consdiering therapy for her!
    Never had a tick carried back ni though....that's a miracle
    Butterfly Effects
    *insert lots of information for a signature* - done!

  6. #16


    Lucky for you!! Ticks are GROSS! Last summer my ginger tom used to lie over in the fields all day, and one evening I felt a lump on his side. When I looked, it was a tick, the first I'd seen. It was a nasty bright green colour so coudn't miss it! That presented a problem, as he was a well stroppy cat, didn't like being messed with! And he is HUGE too! So, hubby had to hold him down with a towel over him, while I removed the tick. Yek! Put it in a sealed jar of white spirit to kill it, they are nasty disease-spreading things!!
    (Tom didn't even thank me, just gave a hiss!)

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