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Thread: May leave ebid as no one looks at auctions

  1. #31

    Default maggiethecat

    And Damian brings us nicely back to the original point of this thread..... lol

  2. #32
    Forum Master cccgem's Avatar
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    Watching and waiting...Come on people...list for free!!!...or come and buy from me.

  3. #33


    Quote Originally Posted by wolfbabe
    Anichka: like many i found it amusing and sat here reading and giggling to myself, as to those who have made negative comments this is due to 1 of 2 reasons 1: they have no sense of humour or 2: there is sadly a small group of posters who seem to take great pleasure in trying {and failing abysmally may i add } to belittle people who post , as to your signing off "Regards Ann" if you wish to as such that is your choice and NO-ONE on these boards can tell you otherwise.
    Dont get your panties in a twist, it had nothing to do with you and you have taken everything i have said the wrong way. I am not out to belittle anyone. I have read many of Ann's post and always found myself reading Regards Ann at the end... each time saying it in my head and it was getting quite funny so i merely asked why she did it. I didnt really put much thought in to it and never meant it in a mean way, i apologise to you Ann if thats how you took it there is certainly nothing wrong with the way you sign off. I was also not having a go at her humour either, i found it very funny but was just saying that yes some people do think you are having a go at them and/or being serious so i suggested adding a smiley face or a lol or something just to hammer home that it was a joke.

    You need to stop judging people Jeannie, i dont appreciate being including a small group of people who belittle others as that is something i do not wish to become nor be associated with.

    Regards, Pete.

    (just trying to lighten the mood a little )

  4. #34


    Dear pete: please do show me where in my post i at anytime condemed you as one of the "group" , i was in fact refering to the "group" of people who do as such in general on the boards not merely on this post of which you were not included.
    As to this being nothing to do with me ..i have as much right to comment and post as any other person on these boards.
    As to my judging people i will do as such if i deem it fit , i was in no way judging you.
    As to your comment about my panties being in a twist , do you not think you are being just a tad condesending and sexist ?

  5. #35


    Hi All,
    I didn't take offence at your questions Pete, i stopped signing off Regards Ann, as it seemed like nobody thought it necessary to do so, i originally did it as it just seemed polite, i'd never send a letter or email without signing off.
    To all that replied saying that they enjoyed the joke, thanks, i would have replied sooner had i seen the posts. I thought this thread had died a natural death, i've only just seen that it's been given a new lease of life.
    It's actually quite difficult to offend me, i was brought up in a house full of mad siblings & parents that treat everthing as a joke. (That's not to say i can't be serious when needed). Humour has always played a large part in my life & i wouldn't have it any other way.
    Thanks to everyone, regards Ann. lol.

    My auctions, good prices, fair p&p.

    Laughing is good exercise, it's like jogging on the inside.

    Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional.

  6. #36


    Why bother mentioning that 'group' of people who go around and belittle others in your post if you were not referring to me?? You had stereotyped me in with them. Its obvious from your post.

    Yes you have the right to comment on and post on these boards but why stick your nose in when someone has asked a question directly to another?

    Condescending yes, but not sexist. I say 'dont get your panties in a twist' a lot to people, both women AND men as many men these days wear panties so i dont think its sexist

  7. #37


    Hey even i enjoyed the joke, i was just pointing out you do sometimes need to add a smiley or lol just to make it very clear to some people so they dont take offence. I was trying to avoid any further arguments n now IM arguing..... next time i'll keep my comments to myself lol

    I give up, apologies to both of you. I was just annoyed because im dead against any type of bullying so to be stereotyped as one upset me. It usually takes a lot to get me rattled, but thats one thing thats sure to get me fired up

    Time for a valerian tea i think... lol

  8. #38


    Quote Originally Posted by Petesmovies4auction
    Hey even i enjoyed the joke, i was just pointing out you do sometimes need to add a smiley or lol just to make it very clear to some people so they dont take offence. I was trying to avoid any further arguments n now IM arguing..... next time i'll keep my comments to myself lol

    I give up, apologies to both of you. I was just annoyed because im dead against any type of bullying so to be stereotyped as one upset me. It usually takes a lot to get me rattled, but thats one thing thats sure to get me fired up

    Time for a valerian tea i think... lol
    Hi Pete,
    No need to apologise to me, your questions were valid & civil, which is why i replied to them.
    I do agree that often jokes when written can have a different impact & therefore require an lol or smiley etc, but it depends on the content. Some jokes don't require anything extra, (or shouldn't when they're obviously so daft in content)
    Anyway children, let's play nice, or we'll all be on Valerian tea & i don't know if i like it, lol.

    My auctions, good prices, fair p&p.

    Laughing is good exercise, it's like jogging on the inside.

    Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional.

  9. #39


    Quote Originally Posted by Anichka54
    Some jokes don't require anything extra, (or shouldn't when they're obviously so daft in content)
    Anyway children, let's play nice, or we'll all be on Valerian tea & i don't know if i like it, lol.
    You would be surprised Ann lol. You can have the daftest post possible and i guarantee you someone will take offense or think its real. There are some very gullible people in this world, i still cant believe they took the word gullible out of the dictionary

    Now, what was this thread about again? lol

  10. #40

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