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Thread: Argh! Cold callers!

  1. #1

    Default Argh! Cold callers!

    Ever since we moved, all we've had is cold callers at the door!
    90% of them are from NTL- had a guy round a few weeks back, no we didn't want broadand as our computer is to old... and had another NTL guy round today! I basically said I'd said no previously and then he started on about broadband so I shut the door! If they come round again then that is it!
    Been trying to get a "no cold callers" window sticker for the door but can't find one anywhere! Have tried trading standards and local councils websites, as well as google and auction sites, but nothing!

  2. #2


    Better still, print off a CALLERS - BEWARE OF THE DOBERMAN poster yourself hehehehehe
    Is full of good stuff !

  3. #3

  4. #4

  5. #5


    Hope your ok hun ( other than the cold callers )

    I HATE THEM and dont no one tell me they have to earn a living i dont give a rats ass. IF i want something A/ Ill ask B/ Ill come to you.

    GRRRRRRR ... Ringing up your home, disturbing your privacy. Knocking your door. CHEEKING BLEEPING BLEEP BLEEPS

    Seeya kim xx

  6. #6


    For unwelcome calls register at tpsonline.org.uk to opt out of telemarketing then if you get calls they get fines.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by kim69
    Ever since we moved, all we've had is cold callers at the door!
    90% of them are from NTL- had a guy round a few weeks back, no we didn't want broadand as our computer is to old... and had another NTL guy round today! I basically said I'd said no previously and then he started on about broadband so I shut the door! If they come round again then that is it!
    Been trying to get a "no cold callers" window sticker for the door but can't find one anywhere! Have tried trading standards and local councils websites, as well as google and auction sites, but nothing!
    That's easy. Tell them you no speak inglisssh

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  8. #8

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by minkyrra
    shame it wouldnt work on unwelcomed phone calls.

    o/h had a call from an indian call centre. he said it was impossible, she wouldnt take no for an answer, didnt seem to understand anything except what her script said.

    she then said she was passing him to her superviser, at which point he hung up

    .... guess who we just had a phone call from.... yep, the superviser about our 'application'

    same tactics, cant understand anything but whats on the script, wont stop until they were hung up on.
    If you phone 0845 0700707, you can stop most telephone cold calling. I did this & it made such a difference.

    My auctions, good prices, fair p&p.

    Laughing is good exercise, it's like jogging on the inside.

    Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional.

  10. #10


    If you phone 0845 0700707, you can stop most telephone cold calling. I did this & it made such a difference.

    How does that work. Is it a BT number or just a stob pests number.

    Just wonder as I am not with BT. If it is for anyone then. I will be on that phone tomorrow. I am fed up with people trying to sell me mobiles and so forth and they don't seem to know the meaning of the word no!

    P.S. I am Ex-Directory and when I asked how they gor the number. They said they got it from a database, they obviously bought.
    Last edited by paintinglemonjane; 24th April 2006 at 10:11 PM.

    Store open again
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