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Thread: Your ideal place to live ?

  1. #21


    I'd go for open spaces and tranquility. The Lake District would be lovely, or out in the middle of the countryside somewhere. I could have lovely isolation, the animals could have freedom, and nobody to moan if you bang or play music!!

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by sludgeguts
    Preferably some country where they don't fawn all over so-called asylum seekers.
    Where the hard worker doesn't see their hard-earned taxpayment given over to the idle spongers who have no intentions of getting a job
    Somewhere where the system listens to the concerns of the victim rather than saying we should sympathise with the criminal because they had a hard upbringing.
    Thats why I wanna go home.
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  3. #23


    I don't buy cheap fags or knock off videos.... and those on here that are "on the Social" as you so eloquently put it, aren't in the main workshy. Of those that are claiming Benefits, many would love to work, but through family commitments, disability, or lack of work in their area, have little choice.
    If you have a disabled partner, child or parent that needs full time care, it's pretty hard to hold down a fulltime job. Getting disabled people back to work was a noble ideal, but the jobs aren't there to be had. I gave up my full time, well paid job to care for my husband. He received the grand sum of approximately £43 a week for me staying home to care for him.
    I would have loved to stay in my job, on a good salary, with a generous pension at the end of it.

    PS I am not on Benefits either. I just have the pensions my husband paid for, or to be precise, 50% of one and 90% of the other one.
    Last edited by dragonmist; 15th May 2006 at 12:28 PM.

  4. #24


    Well to get back onto the topic of the original question , I would go for something that was not the obvious.

    I would buy the empire state building and get all the floors turned into levels of my new multi-multi story flat.

    So i could have alot of space to put all the stuff i buy online in

    lets keep them coming, they are interesting !
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  5. #25


    Plasticasprin. I didn't have to "work it out". I opened my eyes and read the threads. The "old hands" on here will also remember who looks after disabled relatives, or who has children with disabilities, or is disabled. Living on Benefits at subsistance level is no fun .. unless you are an illegal immigrant of course. Then you get "extras" free as a right, that ordinary claimants still have to pay for. There have been enough threads on here in the past about getting work, getting off of Benefits, tax credits, etc. for anyone to see that most people on here want to work. There have been threads about people being unable to work because of injury, who would like to go back, but are unable to. If you weren't so self-centred you would have picked up some of the problems people have been going through, whether it was long term illness requiring an operation, money problems or whatever.

  6. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by sludgeguts
    Preferably some country where they don't fawn all over so-called asylum seekers.
    Where the hard worker doesn't see their hard-earned taxpayment given over to the idle spongers who have no intentions of getting a job
    Somewhere where the system listens to the concerns of the victim rather than saying we should sympathise with the criminal because they had a hard upbringing.
    Am I the only one who actually likes living in the UK ?, most of my family and mates are of the same opinion as you and are always talking about moving abroad.

    I know the UK has it's problems but that is true of every country.

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  7. #27


    If money was no object, I would love a villa in Tennerife and a sunny retreat in Yorkshire. Somewhere in a nice little village.

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  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by paintinglemonjane
    If money was no object, I would love a villa in Tennerife and a sunny retreat in Yorkshire. Somewhere in a nice little village.
    sounds lovely!! I love village life; we live in a village and it's like everyone knows everyone and look out for each other; I have to admit YOrkshire country is fantastic!! Lovely hillside and that country feel to it; nice and simple

  9. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by yorkiesauctions
    Am I the only one who actually likes living in the UK ?, most of my family and mates are of the same opinion as you and are always talking about moving abroad.

    I know the UK has it's problems but that is true of every country.
    No, i said earlier in this thread that i'd stay where i am, (Bucks).

    I love travelling abroad but prefer to live here.

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  10. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by yorkiesauctions
    Am I the only one who actually likes living in the UK ?, most of my family and mates are of the same opinion as you and are always talking about moving abroad.

    I know the UK has it's problems but that is true of every country.
    I think the UK has some gorgeous scenery, it would be a wonderful place to live if we didn't have problems of being overrun with immigrants.
    I left my native Halifax because I was fed up of being the only white guy in my street. I was fed up of the harrassment &, even worse, when I had the rat catcher in to check out the strange noises in my attic - it turned out to be my ethnic neighbour's chicken farm - they'd knocked through all the attics in the terrace & were keeping poultry up there

    Been in Bucks for 20-odd years & have to say it is getting almost as bad.
    Planning laws don't seem to apply when they build a mosque, we got no peace & quiet from all the screaming at the top of the tower - so local residents complained. They were told to not make their noise from the top of the tower - they put a huge speaker up there & do their screaming from the bottom of the tower!
    They complain about parking restrictions around the mosque & the council give over some allotments as temporary car parking - YET the plans were initially refused for the mosque on the grounds that there wasn't adequate parking. The plans were then passed because "we always walk to prayer".
    Now the local streets are choc-a-block with cars of people attending the mosque!
    Strange that when the Sally-Ann built their little corps, they were told to install triple glazing & lots of insulation so as not to disturb the locals - I can hear the screaming from the mosque through MY double glazing - but we can't be seen to be racist can we?
    Nowt here so don't bother looking


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