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Thread: EBID will crush EBAY thanks Mark and Gary!!!

  1. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by buttons-and-bows
    But i also think that it would be a good idea to make this a closed forum for Ebid members only as i think some of the messages would tend to put people off joining ebid... lets face it its just the same as ebay so there is no reason why it should not work, is there?
    Yes I agree with this , it should be a closed forum for members only as some of the thread titles could put off potential new buyers / members

  2. #32
    Forum Master gazlannathai's Avatar
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    Waves at Rainbow

    Too many sales here are on BIN - I've said that for years
    - visible bids encourage more bids
    - Is this a classified ads site or an auction site?

    It took me years to figure out, that despite the fees, if I'm going to use BIN as a primary marketing tool, then I get better prices on feebay - and thus better profits plus many more sales, which in turn boosts total profits.

    The problem with eBid is that it is deffo a "cheapskate's" site and the resultant admin to maintain enough listings to sell in the volumes needed to make sufficient money, is just not cost effective. (Especially given the lack of pre-sales and post-sales tools here)

    On feebay I now run between 25% and 50% of the listings I used to have here (essentially the same product ranges) but have a 30-50 fold increase in monthly item-sales, at better prices (after fees) and make a substantial income from there in comparison to my best performance here in 2004.

    OK so feebay gets 200-300 quid a month out of me, but even deducting that, the nett gain over there is far higher than here. Over there I average twice the closing price per item that I used to get here - and that's been crucial over the last two months when the exchange rate has collapsed to my disadvantage - it's given me time to adjust prices without bankrupting me through loss-making sales values.

    I'm waiting tp see what the eBid v3 looks like before commiting to listing here again, but for sure will not be using ppPay after discovering their latest fiasco about IP and card holder addresses.
    If eBid were to lose ppPay (sell it off fer gawd's sake) and concentrate on core business (eBid) then I'm sure things would improve dramatically.

  3. #33


    Hi Petesmovies, Yes its such a shame as there are more fraudsters and scam artists on Ebay than there are here, but they are more prominant here because its a smaller site, but they are the same people who work all the other sites. I agree that the forum could attract new members but only if it was a more positive place. Maybe we could have a grumble thread someplace for members only to air their complaints to G & M

  4. #34


    Hi Fivebyfive. I am with you on that 100% as its put me off at times in the past so its bound to put others off and that is such a shame as the potential here is just as good as on other sites. Maybe some good positive posts by sellers would do the trick. As a buyer I have not had any problems with any ebid sellers at all. I have had one little glitch as a seller that was a system fault and i have to say that G & M handled it very professionally by admitting the fault was on their side / system and then helping me anyway they could to put it right and within 2 to 3 hrs, Would I have got that help on ebay... not very likely is it.

  5. #35


    I still sell more in a month on ebay than I have on here in nearly two years!

    I used to promote ebid everywhere because I believed it was a viable alternative to ebay, I thought the sales would automatically pick up once we got more members.

    But since they 'stitched up' a dear friend of mine with their buddy points fiasco, I personally think they stink now.

    I've removed their banners from my websites and I won't be listing anymore.
    Probably just pop into the forum now and again to say Hi to a few friends, that'll be it.

    As for them crushing ebay...not a chance.
    If they get too big, ebay will just 'buy them' and G+M will be able to retire on the profits.

  6. #36


    The way they are treating people at the moment, I think the words "Fat Chance" stick in mind!!! I feel very bitter personally at the moment, and I know others who do about recent treatment. Mine not as bad as others, but bad enough to piddle me off!!!
    and then you get support just quoting rules. Not admitting they screwed up.

  7. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by bargaindropper
    The way they are treating people at the moment, I think the words "Fat Chance" stick in mind!!! I feel very bitter personally at the moment, and I know others who do about recent treatment. Mine not as bad as others, but bad enough to piddle me off!!!
    and then you get support just quoting rules. Not admitting they screwed up.

    I totally agree with you, EBID must first learn their mistakes, sort this buddy points system out, and admit to all their mistakes, and last of all get rid of all scammers before suspending honest buyers/sellers.

  8. #38

    Angry Ebid will crush Ebay ?

    Not till Hell freezes over

  9. #39
    Forum Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by tom200268
    I love this site..i have just started listing here after years on ebay(feebay)..Please keep this site simple and easy like it is now and it will work great!! I have been sending your site to as many people as I can think of and plugging it wherever I can.Thanks again guys!!! Tom in Ohio
    Hi grimkiller, Do as I have and sign up with the clixgalore promoter's link,
    (link on the front page of ebid,top left) then add the link into email's and onto your website, this will put a banner there once you have copied and pasted the html code.
    you will need a paypal account for this to work.
    Every time someone join's via one of your link's, clixgalore pay you either £0.80 gbp. or $1.25 usd.
    so simple and easy to do, and very rewarding.
    evryone on EBid should do it.

  10. #40

    Angry dont touch paypal i hear it part of ebay?

    Quote Originally Posted by grimkiller
    i used paypal to purchase a winning bid on ebid and was ripped off along with a few others.
    i won my fraud case,but very much dout i will get my money back,as with all these online mail money sites as soon as the buyer/seller withdraws the money thats it.it cant be claimed back unless they are legit,which most arnt if there on a scam.
    i never use paypal even if the seller sends a empty parcel with a tracking number if you sign for it theres nothing you can do!

    i hear paypal i part of feebay aswell i hate both companys with passion

    anyway i love ebid DOWN WITH EBAY!

    crazy sexy xool my great EBID store

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