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Thread: PayPal Advice...

  1. #1
    Forum Diehard
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    Default PayPal Advice...

    Hey People,

    need some advice,

    about 4 months ago, I had 2 paypal accounts, account1 has over £300 in, which was then sent to account2, I then withdrew from account2 to my bank account, after I got the money in my bank PayPal reversed my transactions and requested the money back - which I refused.

    Right, so at this point, account1 once again had the £300 back in it, account2 had £-300 in it - still unpaid!
    At the time they refused to transfer the money from account1 to account2...

    ...but now they have a debt collection agency involved! I have 1 day to pay them before they take further action.

    I have rung PayPal and confirmed some personal information for account1 and asked for the money to be sent to account2 - it was placed in for review, I am still awaiting for them to contact me!

    Anybody experienced anything like this before? and where do I stand?

  2. #2


    As long as you paid the fees to withdraw from account2, I don't see that PayUpPal have a leg to stand on.

    I'd let them take me to court then make complete fools of them.

  3. #3
    Forum Diehard
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    I paid ALL my fee's!

    For both accounts, there is a false name - correct address though! Account2 has false first name only, and account1 has flase first and second name!

    Will this go against me?

    Also, in court, do you think they would be interested in what I have been selling in order to come in possession of the money?

  4. #4


    Its a mighty big can of worms you are about to open,think the main stumbling block will be the non kosher name on one account.You stand the risk of losing ur money.Any particular reason for not transferring ur funds to ur own bank?Be no fees for £300.00....unless of course there any chargebacks pending.Of course you will be taking on eBay too,as they are their parent company...Good Luck......

  5. #5


    What reason did they give for the reversal. I don't see how they can reverse it unless you requested it. ( not meaning you did )

  6. #6


    If you still have the money in account 1 and its not on hold, I would spend the money in account 1 or send it to a friend and then pay them the money back you owe them from account 2, this way you could get away with whatever it is that you are up to . if you go to court every thing you don't want disclosing may come out , so to speak. If you try and say it wasn't you then you will have to go to a solicitor ( notarary ) and get a statement to that effect and thats £85.
    Thinking about it best not send it to a friend as they may reverse again.

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