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Thread: Joke gone tooooo far or what

  1. #1
    Forum Saint shezz's Avatar
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    Default Joke gone tooooo far or what

    Lady rung up Essex Radio this morning

    Wanted to play a joke on her Husband who is in Germany watching the games.

    Essex Radio said they did'nt want to do it but they would like to listen into the conversation.

    here goes

    Wife rung up husband and said that he had to come home his works said that he had to go back to work.(I would of told em to stuff work)
    Husband slams down phone.

    Essex radio tried to call him back to let him know it was a joke, could not get hold of him

    15 mins (approx) later managed to get hold of him

    Tooooooooooooooooo Late

    He had sold his ticket for the England V Portugal game for less money then he had paid for it.

    Life is serious but taking it too seriously robs you of
    happiness, fun and productivity

  2. #2


    OOPS that backfired on her, never get between a man and his football, lol!

  3. #3


    OH MY GOD!!!!

    stupid woman!!!
    he'll just have to find another ticket then
    Last edited by emma5721; 28th June 2006 at 02:04 PM.

  4. #4

  5. #5


    I think she should leave home before hubby gets there.

    My auctions, good prices, fair p&p.

    Laughing is good exercise, it's like jogging on the inside.

    Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional.

  6. #6

  7. #7


    Slightly off topic but it reminded me of this, In the Czech Republic, there is a small town that translates as 'i smoke' the Mayor received a phone call telling him that now they're a part of the EU, they can't be seen to be advocating smoking, he would have to change the name from 'i smoke' to (can't remember exactly but something like) 'i used to smoke but i don't anymore as it's unhealthy' (it may have been a bit longer than that) anyway, the Mayor was most upset, he said he couldn't do that as letterheads, road signs everything, would have to be changed, it was a little town & couldn't afford to do it, it was impractical etc etc, after quite a long call, it transpired that it was a DJ from a radio station that made a habit of ringing up people with different joke calls.
    Last edited by Anichka54; 29th June 2006 at 09:12 AM.

    My auctions, good prices, fair p&p.

    Laughing is good exercise, it's like jogging on the inside.

    Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional.

  8. #8


    what i dont understand is how the guy got less than what he had paid for it , u think there would be hundreds of people wanting tickets

    I heard that a guy bought a ticket to an england group stage game for 500 euros so i doubt that the guy would have got less than he paid for it ( unless he is an idiot and asked for a cheap price in order for and ulta fast sale when he could have broke even to do that )

    sorry im rambling on now , bye lol
    ENJOY @¬( ' v ' )¬@

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by p1mac
    what i dont understand is how the guy got less than what he had paid for it , u think there would be hundreds of people wanting tickets

    I heard that a guy bought a ticket to an england group stage game for 500 euros so i doubt that the guy would have got less than he paid for it ( unless he is an idiot and asked for a cheap price in order for and ulta fast sale when he could have broke even to do that )

    sorry im rambling on now , bye lol
    He already proved that he's an idiot, would you come back from Germany because you were wanted at work? I don't know anybody that would.

    My auctions, good prices, fair p&p.

    Laughing is good exercise, it's like jogging on the inside.

    Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Anichka54
    He already proved that he's an idiot, would you come back from Germany because you were wanted at work? I don't know anybody that would.
    LOL! I agree - so it seems they are very suited to each other after all

    didn't like the bit where the radio station didn't want to play along *knowing* it would be a disaster but *wouldn't mind* listening in!!!

    thumbs down to the stupid wife more though!

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