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Thread: off to make dinner

  1. #1

    Default off to make dinner

    spag bol heres the recipe if anyones interested lol
    been on that myspace and its done my head in - side effect of getting old lol

    pour some olive oil into a pot
    chop and onion and throw it in and stir
    when its gone yellowish put in the minced meat -normal 500g packet you get

    stir till its gone brownish

    add a tin of chopped tomatoes, salt and pepper, herbs, and a cup of boiled water

    bring to boil and then simmer for 40 mins or so but watch it in between it dont burn, if looks like it add a bit more water

    make spaghetti to go with it (look on the packet for directions how to do so cos im off lol)


  2. #2
    Forum Master earthangel's Avatar
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    Sounds good. Prefer linguini myself, though. A bit more "substantial" than spaghetti.
    Please visit my eBid stores

    "Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy" - Henry Kissinger

  3. #3


    we've got beef goulash - been cooking alllll day mmmmm going to the pub first though even more mmmmmmmmmmmm lol
    Is full of good stuff !

  4. #4


    I like the sound of your life mel

  5. #5


    lol !! One pot cooking - you can't beat it I tell ya Womp it all in the slow cooker when I get back from school, stir it when I think about it, serve when we're back from the pub SORTED
    Is full of good stuff !

  6. #6


    I always put a packet of bacon, chopped, in with my spaggy bol - gives it a lovely flavour

  7. #7


    =funky_fudge_factory;413427, stir it when I think about it, SORTED
    omfg proper pmsl and def off to bed rofl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    you are my twin for sure

    sorry screwed up quotey bits duh

  8. #8


    I have good intentions when it comes to cooking, but am burdened with a lot of laziness... AND a husband with no bluddy tastebuds or imagination THe first time I made him goulash he moaned, because he didn't like the SOUND of it. Next time I made it, I told him we were having chilli beef.... mmmmmmm this is lovely he said ffs !! I tell ya, best thing i EVER bought was that slow cooker. Chilli... spag bol.. casseroles....
    Is full of good stuff !

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