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Thread: Looking for Answers

  1. #11


    Ok....I listed my item. Nothing stupendous....just a neat old set of 1950's or 60's Christmas bells. I'm going to assume it's ok to put a link to it below. If that's against a rule, someone will have to let me know


    Would also appreciate any comments about the format itself. Too overbearing.....too wordy (most likely...but that's me)....whatever. Also....if you see the name of the "other place" in there anywhere....let me know!!! This is an item that didn't sell over there. Had to start somewhere!

  2. #12


    PLEASE HELP - what happens when a seller is suspended [I've discovered with a line through username] and payment was made by cheque which has since been cashed [its cleared my bank account!!] and they don't answer emails asking when the item is being desptached?? I have been trying to find how to post this question as a new thread but, as a newbie, I've attached it to this one as you seem to be 'in the know' e_nviable!

  3. #13
    Forum Master e_nviable's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ElsaJ View Post
    PLEASE HELP - what happens when a seller is suspended [I've discovered with a line through username] and payment was made by cheque which has since been cashed [its cleared my bank account!!] and they don't answer emails asking when the item is being desptached?? I have been trying to find how to post this question as a new thread but, as a newbie, I've attached it to this one as you seem to be 'in the know' e_nviable!

    Sorry ElsaJ I don't think I'm going to be much help to you on this one, as it's never happened to me before. It's looks as though you've been taken for a ride, which is very sad and not a good recommendation for eBid either, although they can hardly be blamed for it.

    I can only suggest that you email support@ebid.tv and ask Gazza or Mark for the contact details of the Seller involved. They should give them to you in order for you to ring, or write to, that person so that they can explain what's happened.

    Depending on the value of the item involved you then could pursue the matter through the small claims court.

    I hope this hasn't deterred you from trying another purchase......... the majority of Sellers on here are decent, hard-working men and women


  4. #14


    ElsaJ: I don't know your location or that of your seller, but you should try the obvious things first. If you are in the U.S., doing all of these should get some results:See if you can get a phone number from eBid for your seller and call them. If eBid for whatever reason, can't give you a phone number, look him/her up in the reverse directory on-line, using the address you have for them. You should be able to secure a phone number that way for free. If you cannot reach them by phone to discuss this with them, then report it to your bank and to his/her bank and see if they can help. File a report with your local police and the police department in the town in which your seller lives. I would guess all you want is the item you bought or your money back.

    I may be new here, but have been selling at eBay since April 2005....about when you joined here It's a shame for eBid and you that you've had such luck, but I'm sure that eBid will do all it can to help you recover your funds.

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