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Thread: lunatics running the asylum pmsl

  1. #1

    Default lunatics running the asylum pmsl

    dont know whether to laugh or cry - a quarter of amillion pounds of taxpayers money was spent on a court case which was dismissed after ablack guy took some colleagues to court for racial discrimination because they were eating black jelly babies in his face -pmsl

    im trying to get the link off the sun's website but itwont load for me yet

    so we are urged to pay £2 amonth to the nspcc rspca and tonnes of other charities to help and thegovt wastes money like this! pathetic!

  2. #2


    Nothing surprises me anymore about our bloody government

    I wish our hard earned tax money was going to the charities instead of wasted on pathetic cases like that

  3. #3


    You know i cant abide political correctness , as a rule. BUT ... Was thinking on this occassion it depends on the context of how it happened.

    ie : imagin you where the only white person in an almost total black enviroment and a group of black guys where deliberatley winding you up , over time , and got the white jellybabies and where eating them IN YOUR FACE ?
    Id not like it. It is bullying at the very least.

    HOWEVER ...

    If it was a situation where they where eating them and this guy decided to just pick at it , play the race card and get some cash ... then of course its a HEAP OF SHI*

    BUT ... My instinct tells me there was more to it and the MEDIA who love a punch line and a headline, chose this , seemingly minor part of the case to hilight it for the very effect its getting.

    That said ... i have not yet read the story, as i dont buy newspapers so ill reserve a little judgement incase im way off the mark.

  4. #4


    Even if there is more to it, how come a court case costs nearly a quater of a million pounds? Maybe im just from the past lol

  5. #5


    According to the story, one of the white blokes offered the black bloke a jellybaby and he said that the white bloke was being racist as there were "too many blacks left" in the packet... and on another ocasion, one of the white blokes AND the black bloke were in the staffroom, sharing a bag of jelly babies... another white bloke came in and asked for a black one and the black bloke took umbridge and went off in a huff.... black bloke reckoned they used to bite the heads off the black ones to torment him - good job he didn't have a chinese friend they could tomrent with the yellow ones ay? whether there is more to it than that is anyone's guess...

    It's like being back at effing school. What a complete and utter WASTE of taxpayers money and judicial workers time !! WHoever the hell made the decision for it ever to go that far wants THEIR freakin head bitten off.

    Is full of good stuff !

  6. #6

  7. #7


    thanks for the links ds

    elaine i agree with you - what seems a farce could have entailed real nasty bullying of more type than one - i just saw the headline in the newspaper this morning in the newsagent and thought wtf? without reading the whole story - reminded me of the term blackboard not being allowed to be used in schools
    from reading the links i think it probably was a farce all in all and a waste of time and money - not saying if the chap in question had aserious grievance should not be investigated by london transport but not to goto this length i think

    i agree with you fff as well - all that money - need to get priorities right

  8. #8


    a lickel grean mann aroond are wey is sue inng sumbodies fur
    eeting a sherrbitt flyinng sawser in frunt off hym seying itt is
    rays cyst

  9. #9


    how is a flying saucer a racist?
    unless youre saying all aliens are racist againstearthlings

    same shyte different universe iguess lol

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