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Thread: Name & Shame the sickos

  1. #1

    Default Name & Shame the sickos

    Is full of good stuff !

  2. #2


    YES & SADLY THERE ARE MANY, MANY THOUSANDS MORE where those 5 came from

  3. #3


    I wouldnt be surprised if this thread gets DELETED cus every time i mention the SCUM the posts disapear.... still cant work out WHY though!!!!!! ?????? !!!!!!

  4. #4



    If this disappears I shan't be happy.
    Is full of good stuff !

  5. #5

    Thumbs down

    It's good to know that the actual link comes from Crimestoppers and not the media links. I remember a chat show once where the media and the public met up and one poor chap was wrongly idenitfied as a pedo, the newspaper added him to a list of perverts, blazoning his pic with the real offenders!

    The public as always, acted accordingly and attacked his home etc.,

    He had to move and start a new life as his former was completely ruined by heresay!

    At least Crimestoppers has got it right, these are convicted offenders and not heresay victims.

  6. #6


    On the other hand a house was sprayed with the word Paedo. The woman living there said she was a paediatrician and stupid ignorant people got it wrong. She made no mention of the brother who was living with her. A little bird with size 9 boots, and a flat hat with a badge on, told me it was the brother that the spray was meant to point to. They have never come up with enough proof to charge him, but believe the spraying was done by one of his victims.

  7. #7
    Forum Saint TaraCM's Avatar
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    SINGLE mums may be able to ask cops to check whether a new partner is a sex offender under Home Office proposals.
    I'm sorry but to Friggin right! I get Fcuked off with these sad sick people. I heard on the local radio, there is a circus that has just opened on the common not far from me, and a 13-year-old girl was raped by one of the people who worked for the circus, in his own caravan!!!!! I mean???? WTF???? and the police haven't shut them down yet? I just dont understand it.
    Last edited by TaraCM; 17th November 2006 at 10:47 PM. Reason: put this instead of these :o)

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