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Thread: ..When in Rome...blah,blah..

  1. #21


    I agree with DM. The level of english being spoken in this country is appalling! When I go to tend to my disabled mother, she likes to watch them chat shows, Jeremy Kyle & Trisha Yes, I know, well, some of the yobbo's on there and the way they talk is, quite literally childish!

    Instead of Three it's pronounced Fffwwee
    Brother is bruvva
    Mother is muvva
    Thought is fought
    and the list goes on

    Another thing, when there's a problem with our Halifax bank, do you think I can talk to my branch manager? No! They transfer me to Ireland. I've nothing against anyone race colour or creed, but being hard of hearing, I found the lass on the other side hard to understand and she couldn't understand my geordie accent I mean, what a carry on!

    Local people of any country appreciate you trying to speak their lingo, I for one CANNOT put up with broken english!

    So either speak PROPER english to me or not at all!

  2. #22
    Forum Master melboy's Avatar
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    I figure if we all keep passing this to our friends and they agree with it then the BNP will soon become the ruling party in this country.
    ..ha!...typical, whenever you're on a loser just go to the extreme and mention the BNP......hey!, you forgot the Ku-Klux-Klan....oh and the Nazis...

    the simple truth is this country has and still is being swamped by immigration which is detrimental and not beneficial to the finances,education,health, etc,etc,etc of the native UK population. Any vote-catching politician who says different is a liar.

  3. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by hypnotoad View Post

    I've already said on an earlier post I believe people living in this country should learn to speak English at least on a basic level.

    wow thats good of you!!! it really is to think that people in England have the right to learn to speak English - thumbs up mate lol

    and AT LEAST??? on a basic level - for goodness sake thats poorly lol - why not be more ambitious and learn the language to a high level?? just like in any other subject

    Quote Originally Posted by hypnotoad View Post
    Being a teacher is the most stressful job in this country according to 'official' stats and I can well believe it - would you do it?
    yes I would if i was qualified its one of the most satisfying jobs you can do!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by hypnotoad View Post
    So what's a "proper english teacher"? ?
    one that can bloody well speak English proper - sigh!!! and before you get on your super high horse, whatever their nationality! sheesh!
    Last edited by emma5721; 19th November 2006 at 07:25 AM.

  4. #24
    Forum Diehard mobymatt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by melboy View Post
    ..ha!...typical, whenever you're on a loser just go to the extreme and mention the BNP......hey!, you forgot the Ku-Klux-Klan....oh and the Nazis...

    the simple truth is this country has and still is being swamped by immigration which is detrimental and not beneficial to the finances,education,health, etc,etc,etc of the native UK population. Any vote-catching politician who says different is a liar.
    You started this thread stating you found the original opinion as an editorial printed in a 'British Tabloid':

    This prompted the editorial below written by a UK citizen. Published in a

    British tabloid newspaper.

    So simple question. What tabloid newspaper was it and what date was it printed?

    The reason I am asking is because I found this website where the same 'opinion' can be found almost verbatim, but with American references ("In God We Trust" is their national motto by the way - if you continue to spread this message pretending it source is from Britain it is probably best to get rid of that line).


    So it seems that not only was this not your opinion, but this also wasn't from the source you said it was from and was instead written by an American in a regional newspaper back in 2001.

    Quoted from the website:

    The relative anonymity of the Internet makes rants like this one extremely popular. For many, they provide an avenue to express thoughts we may agree with, without having to write them down or take more responsibility for them than admitting they passed them on from someone else.
    So the fact is if anyone is going to the extreme it is you by posting this rubbish in the first place.

    I have at least written my opinion in my own words on this thread. I have not hidden behind a lazy cut-and-paste job. If you have a genuine opinion on immigration in THIS country then let's hear it.

  5. #25
    Forum Diehard mobymatt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by emma5721 View Post
    wow thats good of you!!! it really is to think that people in England have the right to learn to speak English - thumbs up mate lol

    and AT LEAST??? on a basic level - for goodness sake thats poorly lol - why not be more ambitious and learn the language to a high level?? just like in any other subject

    yes I would if i was qualified its one of the most satisfying jobs you can do!!!

    one that can bloody well speak English proper - sigh!!! and before you get on your super high horse, whatever their nationality! sheesh!
    and AT LEAST??? on a basic level - for goodness sake thats poorly lol - why not be more ambitious and learn the language to a high level?? just like in any other subject
    Some people might consider the use of English in your post to be 'basic'.

    So for example:

    one that can bloody well speak English proper
    That's not correct English, but I can still understand what you're trying to say. That's my point.

  6. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by hypnotoad View Post
    Some people might consider the use of English in your post to be 'basic'.

    So for example:

    That's not correct English, but I can still understand what you're trying to say. That's my point.
    how very predictable and totally sarcastic,i knew you would say something like that - and i was well aware of how my sentences came out - thats the point - im well aware - because i know the difference between good and bad english - because i have been taught good english - for your information this is an internet chatboard and proper english grammar punctuation and the rest of it is not the name of the game here - its not a school or a learning environment for language or somewhere to show off your writing skills and well you know it (sorry that was another bit of bad english there) why don't you get back to the real subject matter - why it BOTHERS you that higher standards are better for everyone concerned - individuals learning ability and interest can go as they will but you need a good benchmark/springboard whatever the subject matter not just English and yours seems to be quite low if i may say so!

    *I can understand what you're trying to say* - that should not be the goalpost - kapeesh?
    Last edited by emma5721; 19th November 2006 at 08:26 AM.

  7. #27
    Forum Diehard mobymatt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by emma5721 View Post
    how very predictable and totally sarcastic,i knew you would say something like that - and i was well aware of how my sentences came out - thats the point - im well aware - because i know the difference between good and bad english - because i have been taught good english - for your information this is an internet chatboard and proper english grammar punctuation and the rest of it is not the name of the game here - its not a school or a learning environment for language or somewhere to show off your writing skills and well you know it (sorry that was another bit of bad english there) why don't you get back to the real subject matter - why it BOTHERS you that higher standards are better for everyone concerned - individuals learning ability and interest can go as they will but you need a good benchmark/springboard whatever the subject matter not just English and yours seems to be quite low if i may say so!

    *I can understand what you're trying to say* - that should not be the goalpost - kapeesh?
    Emma - I don't know you and you don't know me and from the way this thread is developing it is probably best that it stays that way

    I received a good level of secondary and tertiary education and a good set of qualifications. I now have a decent job as a result so yes I do appreciate the benefit of a good eductaion.

    It doesn't bother me that "higher standards are better for everyone concerned". I agree with you - that's why I believe a basic understanding of English is better than no understanding at all as is currently the case with some people (usually not children, but elderly relatives of immigrants for example).

    The real subject matter in this thread i.e. the first post is the reason I started to offer an opinion. It contains a series of extreme, right-wing opinions that apparently appeared in a 'British tabloid' written by a 'UK citizen'. I strongly disagreed with the vast majority of the opinions expressed so I wanted to address the points raised in my own words.

    It turns out the opinion was actually written by an American in a US regional newspaper 5 years ago. This opinion is just picked up and doctored by people in Britain and Australia to make it appear it has been written by "their citizens" at any particular given time.

    So going back to the original post:

    People should learn to speak the language - Yes I agree

    People should understand and respect our culture and beliefs - Yes I agree

    People should not be able to practice their own cultures and beliefs. If they can't accept this they should "p*ss off and leave" - Totally disagree. Providing what they practice or believe is legal we should allow and welcome it

  8. #28


    Whilst I do in fact agree with the sentiments of the piece - if not the entire wording - it does indeed seem to come from a source in the US.


  9. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by damian_steele View Post
    Whilst I do in fact agree with the sentiments of the piece - if not the entire wording - it does indeed seem to come from a source in the US.

    So it does.

    This material may not be reproduced without permission
    Ain't the tinternetty great. lol full of statements of undetermined or ambiguous veracity.
    The lack of supporting evidence doesn't disprove the account, it just fails to prove it.

  10. #30


    alloveritnow123 i luvs yuor poasts butt i dunt undies stand heny of dem

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