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Thread: frustrated with eBid

  1. #1

    Cool frustrated with eBid

    I have moved over to eBid hoping that I can offer all the goods I was listing in feeBay, I had a store with over 130 items listed after they put up there fees I hade to look for some were ells to list and was hoping eBid would be the place to move to, but its not looking good.

    I started my first auction on hear yesterday just as a test to see how easy it would be, only to find to my horror that when I looked at the my money section it was showing a £1.00 fee.

    Next to the listing is said featured, I never selected featured but did notice that the added features seem to be auto selected, this simply isn’t on, if I ever want extra features I am quite capable of selecting them. With a lack of consumers on eBid the last thing we need is to be paying money for extras! I will never mind paying a final valuation fee once an item sells, I understand that eBid needs to make money but feel they would have more success if they are seeming to be on our side,

    Can I also say that when I was verifying my card details yesterday, it told me that (money will be debited from this card) it only told me that no money was taken from my card after I submitted it, this will put people off. I would love to hear if anyone could give me any answers to these problems and what I can do to stop eBid taking money for something I never wanted.

    P.S: I have cancelled my listing for now I have sent a ticket and am waiting to hear:

    pps: I have put the same thread in (Selling starting auctions and eBid stores) but i feel i will get a better response from hear,
    Thanks for listening, Rob at trysizedirect

  2. #2


    I I am happy to say that it has now been sorted out, and was advised to be careful next time, so a note to every one, when submitting a listing double check there are no boxes auto checked.

  3. #3


    Glad you posted that it was all sorted out. How quick was that!!

  4. #4


    sorry how slow am i! lets just say i'v moved on. im waiting for 301 to finish the make over, but for now i need a "reptile" select. I will look at affiliate soon but for now im just looking in.


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