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Thread: User Details Fee

  1. #1

    Unhappy User Details Fee

    Can anyone help? I have been charged for a user details fee. Yet I have not requested any user details?

    I have sent four emails to support and I have received no response, not even a ticket number.

    I hope the boys see this message and respond. It is so frustrating when you are billed for something, and they do not get back to you.

    It also happened when I was charged for a featured item and I sent emails about the mistake and they never ever got back about that. So I now have lost more money through no fault of mine.

  2. #2

  3. #3


    Yes I am and still no answer from them. I cannot understand it.

    I hope they see this message and respond. Thanks for your reply buttons-and-bows.

  4. #4


    I have just discovered by looking on my fees bill, that I was charged for an item that I had up for sale. The item had one bid, but there was a reserve which was not met. So the item did not sell. But I was charged a fee.

    HOW COME??????????????????????????????????????????

  5. #5


    Well I can't understand why you havent had a reply from the adress i just gave you as you get an automated response first with a ticket number, did you get that.

  6. #6


    No ticket number, nothing at all. I cannot understand it either.

    But I did check my fees and discovered they did charge for an item that did not sell, did not even make reserve. Yet the user's information was provided, even though I never requested it. It is all very strange!

  7. #7
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    Do you have a spam filter on your email account? If you have, it might be an idea to check your spam or bulk folder if you have one (unless you have already done so, of course!).

    Some of my messages from eBid get treated as spam whilst others of the very same type do not.

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  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by sanddancer View Post
    I have just discovered by looking on my fees bill, that I was charged for an item that I had up for sale. The item had one bid, but there was a reserve which was not met. So the item did not sell. But I was charged a fee.

    HOW COME??????????????????????????????????????????
    Hi sanddancer, you normally get charged the gallery fee when your auction gets it's 1st bid, so that's probably why you were charged.
    No idea why you haven't received a ticket no they normally come through pretty quickly.
    I suggest you email support again support@ebid.tv
    or try via the contact webpage http://uk.ebid.net/contact.php

    Could just be very busy at the moment, I've only just received a winning bid email for an auction that finished nearly 3 hours ago.

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  9. #9


    No it's not that, everything ok!
    So now what? Unless I get the boys attention via the Forum, I really don't know what else to do. All I know is, I have been billed for something I did not request and they are not responding to my emails.

  10. #10


    If they aren't responding to your email there could be a clitch at the moment. Why not wait till tomorrow and mail support again. Have you been over charged a lot ?

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