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Thread: For GAZZA or MARK Re-billing

  1. #1

    Angry For GAZZA or MARK Re-billing

    I have tried for the last 4 days to email support without any response.

    I have been billed incorrectly. I have been charged £1 for user details, when I have not requested any user details. So how come I have had money taken out of my account for this?

    WHY have you failed to answer my query regarding this?

  2. #2


    Please contact support via support@ebid.tv. If you still do not get a response please can you provide us with the email Ticket ID number and we will review and assist further. Thank you.
    Home of the Zero Fee Online Auction
    GBP and USD Affiliate Program Re-Launched .. Promote eBid and earn

  3. #3


    I have emailed several times and have not received any ticket numbers at all. What is happening??

  4. #4


    click directly on the link Mark has given to you to send an email he has staed in your other post that the address you are sending them to is inncorect as you have been putting www. in front of it. we kept telling you the correct address to send to an you havent been.

  5. #5

    Thumbs up

    Thanks, Yes on one or two emails it did have www infront of the correct email. How come I do not know, as I have the correct email address in my file. Somehow or other www has been included.

    I have finally received a ticket and hope this will solve my problem I am so grateful to everyone who has tried to help. I will have to be extra careful in future that I have got the correct address.

  6. #6

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