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Thread: Star Trek's Scotty to finally make it into space

  1. #1

    Exclamation Star Trek's Scotty to finally make it into space


    The ashes of James Doohan, who played Scotty in the original TV series of Star Trek, have been placed in a rocket so they can be released in space. Canadian-born Doohan died in July 2005 at the age of 85, and inspired a catchphrase - "Beam me up, Scotty" - without ever saying it himself.
    The rocket, launching on 28 April, will also hold the remains of 200 others.
    The capsules containing the ashes will be retrieved upon their return to Earth and given to each person's relatives.
    Families - including that of late US astronaut Gordon Cooper - have paid $495 (£250) to have a few grams of their loved one's ashes placed onboard.
    A decade ago, the remains of Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry were sent into space by the same Texan company which is involved this time.
    Originally the firm planned to send Doohan's remains into space two years ago, but the flight was delayed by tests and then a misfire during a rehearsal.

    So not only does mankind pollute this planet, we are selling the chance to pollute space, too.

    Can we truly justify such destructive actions for the sake a profit?

    Having watched Star Trek once I told my dad I'd have liked to have been shot into space. He told me that if he hadn't been drunk that night with my mum, I would have been. I wonder what he meant?

  2. #2
    Forum Saint Rednosty's Avatar
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    Thats well put.......Inspired a catch phrase.He Never ever said that. As for my Ashes (body) I told the wife to dig a hole in garden! Did'nt expect her to start already......
    Ps Loved Star trek with Capt Berk, Next generation with Capt Picknose and Voyager with Capt Jane a way.......Enterprise was rubbish and the worst was Deep space 9...

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    Forum Diehard BLOXBOOKS's Avatar
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    lol, wot, talk about the asteral plein and non corporial entitys...
    Enterprise was rubbish and the worst was Deep space 9...
    errr...well it is rare to see a thread go so far from topic in the second post, but in a strange way have a surreal relevance..hehehehehehe....mint dat is...

  4. #4


    I loved Enterprise. The franchise went before it's time. Just bought Season 4 on DVD, since I don't think Channel 4 ever got around to showing it. The show picked up from the middle of Season 2, Paramount should've stuck with it. The last episode (These are the Voyages....) was rubbish though - a bad way to end the franchise.

    Looking forward to the rumoured Enterprise film set in the six years between the penultimate and last Enterprise episodes - dealing with the Earth/Romulan war.

    Not looking forward to the new Trek film though - Spock and Kirk at Starfleet academy? Don't think so. Spock was out of the academy and on assignment long before Kirk. Do these idiots who come up with the plot for films think we won't know this already!?!!?

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