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Thread: Any hand embroidery fans about?

  1. #1

    Red face Any hand embroidery fans about?

    I love doing hand embroidery. I did one of a fairy, and one with a dolphin and feathers and beads. Sometimes I like to make cards as well.

    It takes time, but to me it's like painting, but I'm using thread instead of watercolours.

    Anybody else enjoy this craft? And what are your favourite subjects to create embroidered pictures of?

  2. #2


    I used to do a lot of embroidery when I was much younger. I think the last thing it did was a tablecloth. Took awhile but the results were very pleasing. I have been doing cross stitch pictures over the years, but due to a car accident where by I damaged a ligament in my thumb I have had to give it up for a while.

    Owing to Rundancy looming then there is every chance I may well take it up again. Most of the crafts made over the years have been made for my school where I work as a Nursery Nurse. But as they would rather have Mothers from the Playground trained as classroom assistants, then these crafts will not be available for the children to learn. Who will be the loosers? I think traditional embroidery using all the many beautiful stitches have been lost possibly forever as schools do not teach this skill. I learned at school and enjoyed it so much, used it to decorate all kinds of things. It is a shame really, I think with woman working and families not as close knit as they once were, there are no older family to pass on skills anymore. A real shame. My Grandparents both died when I was very young so never got to learn anything from them. My Aunt was a great seamstress and made all kinds of things and I learnt a lot from her.

    I once made a tapestry picture using wools. It hangs pride of place at the top of my landen where it is out of the sun and everyone who has seen it, cannot believe I made it. It is rather art deco in design.

    Maybe we should ask the television companies to have programes, especially for schools to re-introduce these skills again. Knitting, sewing, embroidery, jam and chutney making, woodwork, tapestry, housecraft have all been lost in schools.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by craftinstef2 View Post
    I love doing hand embroidery. I did one of a fairy, and one with a dolphin and feathers and beads. Sometimes I like to make cards as well.

    It takes time, but to me it's like painting, but I'm using thread instead of watercolours.

    Anybody else enjoy this craft? And what are your favourite subjects to create embroidered pictures of?

    I find cross stitch very calming, but quite addictive - I love to take small bits to do when I go on my hols to do in the evenings - trouble is I can't see the tv and my work at the same time - Oh err! Bi focals next!!

    I especially like flowers and butterflies with a good range of colours so that it looks like a painting. At the mo I am using patterns but have some software to do my own - just haven't got around to doing it!

    I do like to paint too - but need time & space, photography is my quick fix at the moment!

    All these lovely crafts to do - wish I didn't have to work! Better get back to work!!

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