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Thread: Particle Physics?

  1. #21


    I thought the big bang theory was when the brakes fail on yer car

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  2. #22
    Forum Saint Rednosty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kengillam View Post
    I thought the big bang theory was when the brakes fail on yer car
    Ken your thinking of the Last Orgy you went to......

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  3. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by bitzunbobz View Post
    I didnt see the program and I am no physicist but a law of thermodynamics states you cant get something for nothing. A black hole is basically a HUGE amount of matter crammed into a very small space. To illustrate, you would need to make the entire mass of planet Earth occupy the same space as a football to create a black hole. Now IF this machine can generate (from nothing) that amount of matter (which is impossible as matter cannot be created or destroyed) AND the energy needed to overcome the atomic forces within the atom (as far as I know, only supernovas have that kind of mass AND energy) then yes, I would be worried. The famous E=MC2 simply states that a very small amount of matter can be converted into a large amount of energy (think nuclear weapon). In reverse, it would take a MASSIVE amount of energy to convert into a very small amount of matter, nowhere near black hole amounts. A nuclear fission weapon releases all that energy from a few kilos of matter. There simply isnt the energy available on Earth for that to happen. If there IS a physicist out there who can put me right please post.

    none really knows about black holes they are just theories used to explain anomalies in space and there is a whole mathematical equation created to back it up, your right the power needed to create a black hole on a microscopic level would be similar to 10gatillion 1kilo nuclear warheads, a gatillion i think is a 1 followed by 41 zeros which is 36 times the number of grains of sand on earth.

    a black hole 1 fiftieth the size of a pin head would swallow the earth so if anyone created one on earth we wouldnt know about we would just cease to exist, or not depending on the expanded theory of relativity.
    ie we would continue to exist as normal but if you where outside the event horizon then we would have gone.

    i would explain more but my brain hurts now and i need a lie down,

  4. #24


    there is an upside to this black hole we wont have to worry about global warming anymore , turn on all your lights buy a 4x4 and stop recycling do it now!!

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