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Thread: TV Licence ! Is the BBC extracting money with menaces

  1. #1
    Forum Master thehoneyant's Avatar
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    Default TV Licence ! Is the BBC extracting money with menaces

    This website is intended to help you understand the world of TV licensing but also to help you positively resist it with the aim of bringing the current system to an end as soon as possible.


    Loads of reading but very interesting.

    A reply from a MP Stumped me. Not sure FGS if he is not who is !

    I must admit that I am not entirely sure of the nature of the public consultation that takes place every time the licence fee comes up for renewal but certainly I find the puff advertising on the BBC extolling the virtues of the licence fee and its alleged good value is quite unacceptable.
    What's you feelings on this extortion by the BBC.Is it extortion? do you just pay up, or moan and pay up.

  2. #2


    I get very p*ssed off at having to pay for the TV Licence. With an expensive aerial we could get BBC1, and ITV [as it was then]. Channel 4 was a snowstorm, BBC2 likewise, and the engineer couldn't tune us into channel 5. The Park Wardens radios don't work here, mobile phones can receive texts, but to send one you have to stand out by the front gate . Forget about using one as a phone. Freeview? You have got to be kidding!
    I have to pay for Sky to get any choice. Why should I pay for the BBC when I never watch it? Even the radio programme I listen to most is a commercial one.

  3. #3
    Forum Master thehoneyant's Avatar
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    I see where you are coming from Beryl. I had Sky multiroom installed and the engineer discovered that my (TV Ariel) required by BBC was unsafe, as it had a break in it somewhere and was full of water .!!! he said it would have to be cut off for safety he was surprised my 'tele had not blown up., and anyway I did not need it for Sky.
    I could not get channel 5 either with the Ariel hence Sky.

    BBC licence fee is a total monopoly rip off.

  4. #4


    Hmm!!! Coming under the heading "Something I didn't know but should have guessed."
    Checking on Licence dodgers is handed on a plate to Capita PLC.
    Speeding in Wales. Guess who can access DVLA records to track you down?
    Guess who runs the Connexions scheme to keep secret files on 13 to 19 year olds, and can keep the results of snooping and hearsay until the child is 24, but could be 29 years old? Not covered by the Data Protection Act, they can, and do, give the information to future employers. Not just about John and Jane. Bits of gossip the "outreach workers" have prised out of 13 year olds without an adult being present to represent the child. Even the police cannot question a minor without a witness to protect the rights of the minor.
    The files contain data about parents, siblings, friends and other relatives. You have no right to find what they have included about you.
    Personally, they control my Pension which used to be paid by the Treasury. I was not consulted, and can't change my pension to a different organisation.
    My daughter's salary is paid by them.
    My Son in Law's salary is paid by them.
    I want to ban the TV Licence, but I also want to stop the insidious data gathering of this unelected Private Company.

  5. #5
    Forum Saint PATRIOT73's Avatar
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    monopoly rip off.
    in i thorf it was a board game:

    sneeks out b4 huny sees>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  6. #6


    Between the BBC producing threatening adverts and sending in the Ghestapo, the government storing data on us all and wanting to introduce ID cards and reason-free stop & search, it's really starting to feel like a police state round here. Give the enforcement authorities some smart uniforms with swastikas on the armbands and things won't look much different from a world many fought to overcome in the 1940's.

  7. #7


    I am going to watch Zee Question Time

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    Forum Diehard cepher0's Avatar
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    As most of the Discovery and 'UK TV' Channels are 'BBC' owned, along with their advertising every 8 minutes....Why do we still have to pay the extortionist 'License Fee' every year ???

    It is an interesting question...

    Take care All,

    Hugs, Arline

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