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Thread: Nochex not showing in payment methods column.

  1. #1

    Unhappy Nochex not showing in payment methods column.

    I've checked both Paypal and Nochex as payment methods, but only paypal is showing up on the search results screen.

    Is this right, or should Nochex be showing up too?
    Why not visit my ebid shop(http://uk.four.ebid.net/perl/main.cg...anterburycross) - I'm gradually filling it with my novelty moneyboxes, toastracks, figures, salt and peppers and eggcups. Not to mention our book on Booths China. I may be new here, but I've got nearly 12,000 feedbacks on Ebay, so buy with confidence.

  2. #2


    Hi, at the moment I think the only icons that show are for PPPay and PayPal

  3. #3


    Ah, thank you.
    Why not visit my ebid shop(http://uk.four.ebid.net/perl/main.cg...anterburycross) - I'm gradually filling it with my novelty moneyboxes, toastracks, figures, salt and peppers and eggcups. Not to mention our book on Booths China. I may be new here, but I've got nearly 12,000 feedbacks on Ebay, so buy with confidence.

  4. #4


    My query is similar - I have been struggling to understand why my products seem to get a fair few hits but these do not convert to sales. I thought I would go through the buying process to see if there is anything I can spot which might be putting people off. The only thing I can think of ('cos I got my good lady wife to pose as a purchaser because you can't bid on your own item, of course) was that despite my ticking the box to accept PayPal this does NOT come up as an option when it comes to selecting a payment method. Maybe someone would be kind enough to let me know what I'm doing wrong...?

    Many thanks

  5. #5


    Sorry, I have worked it out for myself - not Platinum !!!!

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by mrthunder View Post
    My query is similar - I have been struggling to understand why my products seem to get a fair few hits but these do not convert to sales. I thought I would go through the buying process to see if there is anything I can spot which might be putting people off.
    There are quite a few ideas on this thread:

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