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Thread: Reborn Babies

  1. #1

    Smile Reborn Babies

    hi I both collect and create reborn babies..there are lots for sale on evilbay-please could we have a reborn baby category??

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by cnatasha5 View Post
    hi I both collect and create reborn babies..there are lots for sale on evilbay-please could we have a reborn baby category??
    I think you'll find there already is a category

    Dolls & Bears > Dolls > Reborn

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  3. #3


    Oh thankyou- will tell my reborning friends to get themselves over here!!

  4. #4


    I had never come across these things until the other day they freak me out a little bit if i am honest

  5. #5

    Red face Reborns.........

    I must admit I was a bit freaked out myself when I saw my first one.I now am completely hooked.You can see some examples of my work on my website

    Please take a look-hope it changes your mind....

  6. #6


    I dont fully understand it to be honest are they of actual babies ?

  7. #7

    Red face reborn babies

    No hun,they are not models of actual babies or meant to represent babies that have passed on...they are simply dolls which reborners try to make appear as beautiful and lifelike as possible.Its all about the painting of the vinyl,rooting of the hair and the dressing up in cute baby clothes.We have 'nurserys'which babies can be adopted from.I think the nursery idea started in the states with the cabbage patch dolls.

    I know some people have real problems accepting reborning as an art form-but thats all it is.Its nothing dark or scary and we are not trying to replace a baby but to create the most beautiful dolls-basically you either like them or you dont.The vinyl kits these days are so advanced that the babies produced are on a par with the models made for madamme tussauds than dolls-its all about creating realism and believe it or not us reborners dont think it odd at all!!! as I say you either like them or you dont

  8. #8


    Oh right thank you for explaining i first came across them a few weeks ago and it was so life like it did scare me a little as it looked like a stuffed baby (no offence i value your work) but now i understand im not so scared of them lol

  9. #9

    Red face reborn dolls

    Thats ok...have a lovely day x

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