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Thread: great site well done boys

  1. #1

    Smile great site well done boys

    like everyone else (if they have any sense at all) i came here around 5/6 months ago to see what it was all about. I was on e**y for a long time with shop. i got an offer of half price seller+ just after joining here. i didnt know if it was a busy site but thought what the hell!! i have nothing to lose, i spend over that on e**y without any return most of the time so if its a one off, why not. i list with gallery picture so whatever i sell i will pay 2% of final value, but that is my choice. if i dont sell, what am i losing, they are listed untill they sell, i dont have extra cost for relist, i dont have to keep relisting, it is automatic. i cant see why anyone would actually complain about fee's or the way ebid works. these admins and emplyee's here obviously do what they are paid for . WE get a great deal we (hopefully) wait for sales and with not much else to do after listing we GOT IT GOOD... SO JUST DIG DEEP AND FORK OUT THE ""!""VERY LOW""!"" CHARGE AND LET EVERYONE KNOW ABOUT EBID AND THE MORE ARE HERE THE MORE YOU WILL SELL.... GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE WHO LIST'S AND SEND OUT THE BOATS FOR THE MASSES TO EMIGRATE HERE.......

  2. #2
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    Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada
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    Default great potential site but needs traffic

    I recently joined Ebid and like what I see so far. The fee structure is very reasonable and features seem pretty easy to use. If Ebid has even a fraction of traffic feebay gets, it would be awesome. Traffic is the only problem I can see with Ebid. I listed an item and by now I would have appx. 75-100 hits on feebay but I've only had a couple hits on Ebid so far.

    What a great time for Ebid to advertise with all the negative user comments on feebay.

  3. #3


    your right i'm actually still running on e**y and once my site gets going here i'll stop but at the moment I'm telling all my customers about ebid and how great it is i put a card in all my parcels telling them abou it and hpefully we will start getting traffic.
    i've not even sold anything yet but had a few enqieries about my unique one off clothing items getting loads of hits so that means people are looking and are interested. thanks for all your help to all of you and keep up the good work....

  4. #4


    I have only sold one item this week but it show's people are buying. hopefully everyone will do as they hope but i suppose some will not depends on what they are selling and the demand for it. i found it to be a great friendly place unlike the ignorance of some on other site. but good luck to everyone who comes here and hope we all do brill..... regards cj

  5. #5


    i have only been active in last fortnight
    seems to be more traffic coming through
    i have sold three items in last week
    hope its start of good things to come

  6. #6


    it promise's to be if we all get the word out. just tell whoever you can, convince them to join, and sit back and enjoy the community... i am and i will not look back now e**y is history for me. and many others i feel. so hope it all goes well for you......regards cj

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