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Thread: Could we have titles for each craft i.e. Paper Making it

  1. #1

    Default Could we have titles for each craft i.e. Paper Making it

    would make life easier.
    Just a thought, that if we put each craft that people are interested in learning the basics, from under its own title as in Paper Making - Candle Craft - Punch Art and so on it would save trawlling through all the threads to see if someone had already asked the question you want an answer for.
    As I would like more information on hand made paper, as would others on this craft forum, if we could get Aries (if you wouldnot mind 8-[ ) to start us off with a thread just on Paper making then anything that applied to that subject could be included in that thread ie the drying of flowers to add to home made paper etc.

    As I said just a thought.


  2. #2

    Default Re: Could we have titles for each craft i.e. Paper Making it

    Hi Lorraine
    Brilliant idea!
    For All Your Crafting Needs


  3. #3

    Default Re: Could we have titles for each craft i.e. Paper Making it

    Thanks for that Glennis

    I have started one on candles but as I don't know how to make them only decorate them someone else needs to come along with instructions on making candles.

    Living near Ikea is great cos they sell those great big candles at a reasonable price.


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