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Thread: ebid promotion on ebay- how long will it last?

  1. #31


    Hi firstballs

    Please forgive me if I have misunderstood your posting, but are you saying that if you are registered as a business on the other side you have to collect VAT on sales even if you are not VAT registered?


  2. #32


    The gist is if you are a business on epay then you have to collect vat so you have to register as a business and get a vat number

    This you see is why your detail will become open source information on the site so that the process of being done for tax is made a little bit more streamlined.
    there is alot of people i know saying they would rather stop selling than get additional problems for selling items on epay

    You should always ask why epay is now asking anyone selling over x amount to register as a business didnt it seem strange to you?

    if you go there and read annoucments you will see why many people expect epay to implode on the 1st of may 2008

  3. #33


    I've re-read the announcements....

    If you are trading as a business then, yes, you need to register as a business.

    If you are not VAT registered you must not charge VAT either on or off of an auction site.
    Last edited by busylizziecrafts; 11th April 2008 at 07:03 PM.

  4. #34


    I don't think you have to be VAT registered unless your turnover is something like £50 or £60k per year. They might be collecting the information to check out if people are claiming benefits plus earning money on there, or not paying tax on their earnings.

    They do charge VAT on the fees I think, so if someone is VAT registered, maybe they can claim back the VAT on the fees.

    Don't know much about all the VAT, tax etc but the Government has taxed us on everything else, so they're not going to let us make money on auctions for much longer without wanting their cut!

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