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Thread: What is the actual purpose of this forum?

  1. #1

    Default What is the actual purpose of this forum?

    Is this forum subject to 'selective hearing'? Out of what I think is 4 posts, only 1 response. Just curious to know what the idea/philosophy of this forum is? Is it like emailing Santa Claus?

  2. #2

    Default Re: What is the actual purpose of this forum?

    Well, Miller, have you been a good boy this year?
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  3. #3

    Default Re: What is the actual purpose of this forum?

    Morning John. Me good? Hmmmm, the theory of relativity springs to mind.

    Am I alone in wondering where the responses to suggestions are?

  4. #4

    Default Re: What is the actual purpose of this forum?


    There are not hundreds of researchers internet experts, moderators here. Mark and Gary are busy with implementing suggestions, I can see things changing, being updated and suggestions being put into practice as welll as updating the site, monitoring auctions, dealing with queires, and sending new ebiiders welcome messages, deleting auctions, answering posts on suggestions is hardly going to be Mark & Gary's first priority is it? How many auctions are there now to monitor? queries sent to support in a day?
    They do have to sleep sometimes. Things are happening. a lot of things have changed for the better recently and this site is getting busier.
    We all need to have a bit of patience and if the suggestion is viable it will be done.

  5. #5

    Default Re: What is the actual purpose of this forum?

    Quote Originally Posted by shelly2

    There are not hundreds of researchers internet experts, moderators here. Mark and Gary are busy with implementing suggestions, I can see things changing, being updated and suggestions being put into practice as welll as updating the site, monitoring auctions, dealing with queires, and sending new ebiiders welcome messages, deleting auctions, answering posts on suggestions is hardly going to be Mark & Gary's first priority is it? How many auctions are there now to monitor? queries sent to support in a day?
    They do have to sleep sometimes. Things are happening. a lot of things have changed for the better recently and this site is getting busier.
    We all need to have a bit of patience and if the suggestion is viable it will be done.
    Please don't be condescending.

  6. #6

    Default Re: What is the actual purpose of this forum?

    Please don't be condescending.
    I'm sorry I didn't intend it to be.

    I was just saying it how I see it. If there are only two of them sorting all the new suggestions out they are doing very well. maybe when the suggestions have been put into place they could be deleted,
    I haven't been here long but have seen a lot of changes since I started.

    I didn't realise you had posted a rhetorical question.

  7. #7

    Default Re: What is the actual purpose of this forum?

    I thought the forum was peer to peer, meaning to get a response there has to be someone interested in your posting.
    It did start off as auction-related, but it was not long before it drifted.From the look of some of the posting records, some people's lives must revolve around the Bid forums as they spend so much time on it and use it as a general chatroom. Some have hundreds or even thousands of postings but never seem to be listed on the auctions.Sad.

  8. #8

    Default Re: What is the actual purpose of this forum?

    Hi Miller, I share your frustration, I think ebid is a great site but there are lots of things that could make it even better. So when you take the trouble to make suggestions it can be painful when G/M don't swing by and visibly take note.

    However, G&M's past comments indicate that they're well aware of the need to do more and they're running as fast as they can. It's even possible that when you and I generously give of our wisdom, they've already long since thought of the idea themselves! Oh dear, now you'll accuse me of being condescending!

    I don't feel Shelly was being condescending and I'm damn sure it wasn't her intention.

    On the plus side, compare it with eBay. I've just been having a gentle go at them to get https on sign-in when bidding or entering forums. It seems ludicrous that they provide this in some parts of the site and not others. I've had to exchange about 5 emails before even getting hold of someone who actually understood what I was driving at. Gazza and Mark understand technical issues, it's a refreshing change not to be talking with some 'droid whose answer to everything is to reinstall Windows. Even if you're running Linux!!
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  9. #9

    Default Re: What is the actual purpose of this forum?

    Obviously I am under the mistaken impression that the site operators (or their agent/employee) respond to website suggestions. It seems that in some they do and others they ignore. If that's the case, I see no point in making any suggestions since a P2P system (as you suggest) would have no effect whatsoever, since we do not run the site.

    The original question was not rhetorical, but it doesn't ask for a self elected spokesman for the site owners, surely?

    No offence meant.

  10. #10

    Default Re: What is the actual purpose of this forum?

    Reading back through what I had written, I can see that it could seem that way but it wasn't meant that way I promise. it always happens,
    I say what I think, it all comes out back to front. and everyone takes me seriously. Although I have never been called condescending before,
    off the computer I am quite shy and voice my opinion very quietly just in case I am thought stupid. although I can be pretty vocal when I am talking to family sometimes. It must mean I feel quite relaxed with people on here that I can be this loud while I am typing. :lol: :wink:

    I'll try being a bit clearer..

    I put a suggestion about children's clothing being put into catagories up, kept it at the top of the board for about two weeks and something was done about it.. there was a reply from gary asking if the first change was alright but nothing since.. and the catagories at the top of children's clothing is still empty at the moment. much better but not quite right yet.. then I looked through all the other suggestions on the forum I got to thinking, If there are only two of them it must be a lot of work & I thought that they weren't doing too badly... that's all I meant.

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