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Thread: Will I have to pay the front page fee??

  1. #1

    Red face Will I have to pay the front page fee??

    I am a lifetime member, and am wondering if I will have to pay the front page feature fee?

    I have looked on my fees page, and they are showing up as -30c each, but in red. Then at the bottom of that page, there is a zero account balance.

    Hoping an experienced ebid user can tell me please?


  2. #2


    NO, you will not have to pay the front page fee. This is because in Australia (because it's a newer site, )the front page auctions are free.

    If you click on this How Much Does It Cost to Sell? Then tat will tell you what the Australian fees are. This is for Aussies only not UK or USA

  3. #3


    Just to clarify, the front page fee and featured fee are two different types. For some bizarre reason a featured auction will cost you A$0.75, but a front page auction will cost A$0.00

  4. #4


    Yes, it does seem a bit bizzare. Shhh...don't tell admin!

    You have raised another question then; If I use the front page feature, will it only be shown on the front page of the Aussie ebid site? Or will it also be shown on the UK and US ebid front pages?

    (I did wonder why I was getting heaps of front page availability!)

    Thank you for your help this morning raindropsies2

  5. #5


    Well I would think that it would be on the Aussie home page only, but I may be wrong, I do not believe this has come up before.

    If it is shown on your home page only, it would still be shown in the other countries that you ship to on the normal listings,

    A reply from Gazza or Mark might help on this one, or a quick email to support@ebid.net might help. But explain that you are in Australia

  6. #6


    Thank you very much for your replies.

  7. #7


    If you have any more Q's just give us a shout on the friendliest boards in the

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