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Thread: Can't add bidding to BIN?

  1. #1

    Default Can't add bidding to BIN?

    I've created an auction (1210501010-7648-0) and although I thought I'd allowed bidding, it seems I haven't. Actually the first time I looked at this I think it did have bidding, but it said bids from 0.01, which wasn't my intent. After editing some other aspects I found there was only my BIN price of 9.99 and I don't seem to be able to add a starting price, it's greyed out.
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  2. #2


    I've kind of found the problem, I needed to remove the tick in the Fixed Price checkbox. But when I do that, even though the reserve price is shown as 0.00, I get an error message:

    "The reserve price of an auction is the minimum price at which you are willing to sell an item. This must be greater or equal to your starting price and less than a BuyNow price (if you choose one)."

    But I don't want a reserve price. So why doesn't it take what it itself has shown as the default (0.00) as meaning "I DON'T WANT A RESERVE PRICE". This makes it unnecessarily difficult for a user.
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  3. #3


    Yes, that threw me for a loop too the first time I came across it. In the end, you can just put your reserve price the same as your opening bid/price. Then eBid will interpret that as setting no reserve (reserve met).

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