Main page. Top left box.

Put in some words to search on.

Press enter, nothing happens -- this should have the same effect as pressing the yellow search button. Improvement needed. But that's just nit-picking, let's get to the real problems...

"No Auctions Here at the Moment
Cant Find It? Try Starting a "Wanted" on eBid.
Unable to find what you are looking for, create a "Wanted" and tell others what you are after and the price you are willing to pay for it, sellers with the product are then able to make offers to you."

Excellent suggestion, but where is the single click to create that wanted? You know what I was searching for, why don't you offer to take me to a form with that search already filled in? I ought to be a single click or an 'enter' keystroke away from creating a wanted at any point in a search or a search refinement.

Actually, this is tucked away, below the search panel on the right hand side. Instead, the user is invited in the centre of the screen, the most eye-catching place, to start creating a wanted from scratch. Even if the user notices the direct link, it then goes to a form WHERE ONLY THE FIRST WORD OF THE SEARCH PATTERN is included in the search. Truly nuts.