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Thread: You last visited: 5th December 2006 at 09:40 AM

  1. #1

    Default You last visited: 5th December 2006 at 09:40 AM

    Okay - that's how long it's been since I last wandered over here.

    What's changed?

    Are listing numbers up?

    Has the membership risen significantly?

    Is eBid now a viable option to eBay or is that still just an ambition?

  2. #2
    Forum Saint madelaine's Avatar
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    right.. listing numbers are above half a million and rising. Members are up.. we have a competition to guess when they will reach half a million (see another thread)

    eBid is still slower than the other place but if you get your strategy right, you will make sales here and you can sell items that would never find a buyer over there.

    4 shops for Cats Protection & Prospect Hospice
    My Postcard Shop
    BK Stamps for Philatelic listings
    & Yarnalong for craft patterns
    Lotzabitz -anything that doesn't belong in one of the other shops.

  3. #3


    Thanks for the stats - interesting.

    There has been clear growth then.

    "you can sell items that would never find a buyer over there"


    How does that happen?

  4. #4


    Welcome back

    I know that name from feepay forums. I have lurked there on many occasions.

    Listing numbers, daily figures for new members get updated on:

    as well as other places.

    As much as we would hope that feepay has a competitor with the same footfall, I think you know the answer is: not yet. Although everyday we see more and more enthusiastic new members.

    feepay was small once. IMO ebid is the best alternative. I joined, paying just £50 for a lifetime Seller+ account, nearly 2 years ago. That offer is still on and you get free listing (if you don't use special features like gallery) and free FVF (provided you don't use a feature like gallery for instance) for life. If you use gallery and you have a seller+ account the FVF is 2%.

    I have not listed much here until fairly recently. I will increase my listings here to approximately 5000 items, over the next few weeks.

    If you know how to do SEO and promote your venture, then you have a good chance of succeeding here. Spread your listings out over several sites. Having another base with 5 stores and free listing is a big bonus.

    Upgrade your account to seller+ and get a free T-shirt
    Start listing as much stuff as you can and promote your stores like you would your own website. What have you got to lose besides a pitiful £50 and a few hours of your time?
    I remember everything, even what happened tomorrow.

    games4mac ~ DragonsRest ~ DragonsRest Lounge ~ Windfall

    Meet my avatar: Qu the engineer and enchanter. Who else could invent the armour piercing rabbit (can dig holes through anything) and the duck gun (fires rubber ducks)?
    Join me on eBid here.

    God bless eBid and all who sale in her!

  5. #5


    same here last time i was on here was july 06 prob not remember anyone
    You can't scare me I'm a mother

  6. #6


    I came back full time in March after being on the other side for four years and I can tell you what it's sheer bliss not to have to worry about those little orange stars anymore!

    We have been getting somewhere between 300 - 400 new members a day, over the last couple of months, in fact yesterday was 442. Things are still slower here but are really starting to pick up now. I had another bid in this afternoon! Not having to pay those whopping great bills every month also helps to balance things out.

    Promotion is the name of the game when you start off here - still only half way through contacting my old customers. I would say for myself - no regrets and in many ways a relief to leave behind all that chaos! Welcome back and hope you will stay.

  7. #7


    Thanks Chameleon

    I only hobby sell and even that is occasional BUT my sister's sole source of income is the revenue she gets from her online sales.

    Although her account hasn't run into problems at the moment, it seems prudent to look at other baskets to keep some of her eggs in - to that end she's asked me to do some research.

    The £50 for a lifetime Seller+ account seems like it may be the way to start.

    I'll have a read there.


    Thanks - one thing she's never had any problems with is self publicity.


  8. #8
    Forum Saint merlin's Avatar
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    i remember most of ya

    pmsl and definately remember michelle

    think i had a different id though possibly a nutsey one

  9. #9
    Forum Newbie
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    ey up tis the mighty confuddled!! Nice to see you even if its just a visit. Stick around browse and enjoy...will make a nice change for you from Q & A hehe

  10. #10
    Forum Saint madelaine's Avatar
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    selling things that would never find a buyer on ebay? lists & autorelists are free - so you list an item, set it to relist and wait. For Example Vintage sheet music, for which I could not afford to wait for a buyer on ebay - slow but steady sales.

    4 shops for Cats Protection & Prospect Hospice
    My Postcard Shop
    BK Stamps for Philatelic listings
    & Yarnalong for craft patterns
    Lotzabitz -anything that doesn't belong in one of the other shops.

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