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Thread: Would be nice to see a classified property section

  1. #1

    Default Would be nice to see a classified property section

    I would very much like to be able to advertise our foreign estate agency properties on here. I am sure this would bring more potential buyers as it's a very popular Google search!
    The ads would be for information only similar to Feebay.

    Click above link to visit my store

    Dee's stores of designer ladies fashions, high class gifts and fantastic shoes, bags & boots



  2. #2


    Just want to say a massive thankyou to Gazza and the crew for adding this catergory. It's a shame it's taken me so long to realise, but now I've found it I'll be busy listing away.

    Click above link to visit my store

    Dee's stores of designer ladies fashions, high class gifts and fantastic shoes, bags & boots



  3. #3


    Well I've been busy listing them there properties only to have them removed as they're not allowed

    Now would someone please tell me why there's a catergory available but you're not allowed to list on it

    Even customer services appear to be slightly confused by the issue

    Click above link to visit my store

    Dee's stores of designer ladies fashions, high class gifts and fantastic shoes, bags & boots



  4. #4


    I'm still awaiting some news back from customer services on this issue, they're 'looking into it' whatever that means!

    Click above link to visit my store

    Dee's stores of designer ladies fashions, high class gifts and fantastic shoes, bags & boots



  5. #5

  6. #6


    Trina they did get back to me straight away but only to say you're not allowed to list property. When I mailed back to say that there is now a land & property section they said they'd pass it onto the relevant department.

    That was two days back and I still don't know if the listings I have running are allowed or not

    I hope they are because I've linked them with hundreds of search engines

    Actually it's quite strange you've just answered, I was just browsing your listings, I'm a big lover of Karen Millen. I sell quite a bit of her stuff on the other side too

    Click above link to visit my store

    Dee's stores of designer ladies fashions, high class gifts and fantastic shoes, bags & boots



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