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Thread: Turbo Lister with eBid - here's how!

  1. #21

    Default Re: Turbo Lister with eBid - here's how!

    I never have taken anything out in normal auctions; indeed, it's beneficial to put as much formatting in as possible - makes the auction look prettier!

  2. #22

    Default Re: Turbo Lister with eBid - here's how!

    I am sure that when I first started using the spreadsheet uploads Mark (or gazza) got back to me to tell me that the description of the item had to all be on one continous line. I have been going to great lengths to achieve this ever since.
    Just great news if I don't have to do this any more.

  3. #23

    Default Re: Turbo Lister with eBid - here's how!

    For the standard spreadsheet, you can paste multi-line text into the cell value box at the top of the screen, not into the cell itself. This works fine. :-)

  4. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by irrelevant.com View Post
    ok. money where mouth is time. Here's how to use Turbo Lister with eBid. version 0.6

    Updated for new spreadsheet, 4/8/03. Now fills in postage and payment method fields. Auto-repost is defaults to 10.

    firstly the limitations.
    • you do not get the fancy themed borders, etc.
    • you need to use your own photo hosting or upload to gallery here, and note the address-for-spreadsheet before you create the listing in turbo lister.
    • you will have to add category numbers yourself.
    • you need microsoft excel.

    and now, how to do it.
    1. Download the eBid spreadsheet here and save it as "ebid.xls"
    2. Download my conversion routine here and save as "convert.xls"
    3. Create your auctions in Turbo Lister. If you do not have a valid eBay username, you can press cancel at the password prompt and select the "create a sample listing" option. Make sure you select "change photo hosting" and pick "your own web hosting" while in design view.
      Selecting gallery feature will create a ebid featured auction. selecting homepage featured will create an ebid special featured auction.
    4. when you are happy with your listings, select a range of listings, click File, Export Selected Items, To CSV, save as "turbo.csv"
    5. run excel. open ebid.xls. open your csv file. open convert.xls.
    6. clicking on "window" in excel should show the three files.
    7. with convert showing, click the convert button!

    when the routine completes, you should find your ebid.xls spreadsheet has been populated with your auction data!!

    You then need to add your username to each line, and the correct auction category to each line. Check everything else.

    save ebid.xls, and email it to spreads@ebid.co.uk.
    does this still work?

  5. #25

  6. #26
    Forum Saint
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    I've never seen that before. It's all six years old. If you say it does't work, I think you've answered your own question.

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