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Thread: Import feedback from other site's

  1. #21
    Forum Saint victorfrank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by savagebtings View Post
    Henry, i do sympathize with your point of view.
    I still have my other account with 4000+ feedback, and it is a wrench to leave all that hard work behind.

    However, this is a new start and i need to prove myself on here, like i did on there.
    Think of it like divorce, and ebid is your new love.You gotta go through the getting to know you stage before you jump in deeper...

    I do think this is very well put, especially the 'new start' and proving oneself.

    (It's also much cheaper than the divorces I have been through)

  2. #22
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    I thought this was a forum for suggestions. I thought I made one. I guess I was wrong.
    Rude was when the other person brought into the conversation those above the BELL CURVE.
    I don't hate E-BAY like it seems most here do. I will continue to sell there because I make money there maybe less now. But still more than it looks like I will make in the short term here! I have searched several sites and I don't see the traffic that needs to be in place to walk away from E-BAY. As has been pointed out I could be wrong! But I have joined two other sites and as of today of 9 items only one has been looked at this in over a week. E-BAY those items have 10 to 20 looks a day each and sell 2 or 3 or more a week often two or 3 of them at a time.

    No link just my E-BAY user name and directions on how to use it!
    Last edited by henrypawlowicz; 29th August 2008 at 03:25 PM.

  3. #23


    Hi henrypawlowicz I see that you haven't filled any information on your AboutMe page yet, also you are only registered as a buyer and therefore have no listings for anyone to even look at, let alone buy. You keep mentioning your feedback 'over there', are you just trying to drum up business for 'over there' ?

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  4. #24
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    I don't need to, so if I don't hate E-BAY I must be working for them! I don't just put 50.00 on the line without watching for a while. I Don't keep mentioning my feedback. I keep getting pounded for thinking 8 years of doing a good job under bad circumstances is something not to be ashamed of. As I said I only made a suggestion and I am being made out to be the bad guy. The only help I get is drop everything and forget what you did in the past and start over. I feel like I am being let out of prison here and being told a fresh start you need a fresh start. I don't need a fresh start I don't want a fresh start. I am sorry I made the suggestion in the first place. Hating E-BAY seems to over ride anything except the love of E-BID.

  5. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by madelaine View Post
    It's a reference to the normal distribution - most people are clustered around average - except in two areas - everyone is an above average driver and an above average lover

    The OP is an above average tantrum thrower...
    Thanks for clarifying that Madelaine - especially the last line..

  6. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by henrypawlowicz View Post
    I don't need to, so if I don't hate E-BAY I must be working for them! I don't just put 50.00 on the line without watching for a while. I Don't keep mentioning my feedback. I keep getting pounded for thinking 8 years of doing a good job under bad circumstances is something not to be ashamed of. As I said I only made a suggestion and I am being made out to be the bad guy. The only help I get is drop everything and forget what you did in the past and start over. I feel like I am being let out of prison here and being told a fresh start you need a fresh start. I don't need a fresh start I don't want a fresh start. I am sorry I made the suggestion in the first place. Hating E-BAY seems to over ride anything except the love of E-BID.
    If you have feedback from any site other than feebay, you can import it here, if it's from feebay you cannot.

    eBid used to do this until they were threatened with legal action, then they had to stop.

    It isn't eBid's fault you cannot do what you wish, if you don't agree then I suggest you take it up with feebay or their lawyers, as you are talking about feedback earned on their site as their customer.

    As for the american site(s) importing feedback, maybe feebay haven't threatened them with legal action yet, maybe feebay won't threaten an american company only a UK one? Those are question that cannot be answered by anybody on these forums.

    If you don't wish to start from scratch here, & don't wish to use auctionfb or repatoo I don't see what else eBid can do. Getting caught up in an expensive legal battle would benefit nobody.

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  7. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by henrypawlowicz View Post
    I don't need to, so if I don't hate E-BAY I must be working for them! I don't just put 50.00 on the line without watching for a while. I Don't keep mentioning my feedback. I keep getting pounded for thinking 8 years of doing a good job under bad circumstances is something not to be ashamed of. As I said I only made a suggestion and I am being made out to be the bad guy. The only help I get is drop everything and forget what you did in the past and start over. I feel like I am being let out of prison here and being told a fresh start you need a fresh start. I don't need a fresh start I don't want a fresh start. I am sorry I made the suggestion in the first place. Hating E-BAY seems to over ride anything except the love of E-BID.
    Henry, no one is trying to make you out as the bad guy, youre just perceiving it that way. The way I read it is that you are more than happy on the other side and not very happy here.

    I would just like to ask the question - have you been here 8 years?

    I would like to place a bet that you didnt have many views when you first started over there either.

    At the end of the day, only you can decide where you want to be, there are a lot of newbies on this site (including myself) that have been pushed from there because of the introduction of high fees. If you are still making money from it good luck to you - carry on using that site, but try and make the most of the best of what eBid has to offer instead of making a big song and dance about what it hasnt got.

    How do you know that in 8 years time, you could be singing eBids praises and slating every other auction site because they shafted you? I dont feel like Ive been treated very well by them either as Im sure many others have the same opinion, but they are not here to knock eBid every opportunity they got.

    at the end of the day, its your choice where you want to be - noones tying you here with a piece of rope - carry on making money over there and come and have fun over here - if you then start making money itll be a bonus. Thats what i think anyway.


  8. #28


    sorry for repeating Henrys comments immediately after Gothicina, I got a bit carried away with my post!

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