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Thread: bid retractions

  1. #1

    Default bid retractions

    as a newcomer to ebid i am very dissapionted with service i accidently put a bid in for an item in the happy hour £1500 instead if £15.00 several emails to ebid no satisfaction whatsoever a total waste however got in touch with seller she will offer to underbidder no thanks to ebid should have a bid retraction as accidents do happen i can only apologise to seller and stick with ebay in future bad service bad customer support ebid[/b]

  2. #2
    Forum Newbie
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    Default Re: bid retractions

    I know just how you feel.I just put a bid in of £1600 instead of £16.00.I have emailed the seller as the price is now way over my price. I'll just have to wait and see what happpens. Auction finishes at 8pm! ops: :x

  3. #3

    Default Re: bid retractions

    I think you'll find that if there's one thing about eBid that is better than anywhere else it is the good customer service. All you need to do is email Support@ebid.co.uk and Gary or Mark WILL contact you as soon as possible. Bear in mind that these two guys run this place by themselves and don't have an army of mindless minions like eBay do. You WILL get a personal response from one of the boys, usually within 24 hours.

    As for accidentally putting a bid 100 times your intended amount on, mistakes do happen granted but my advice is to double check your typing before you hit the enter key. You've made the mistake here, not eBid. The eBid system is merely carrying out the request you've made. A bid retraction service, whilst having its merits, only serves to allow people to pull out their bids at the last minute and waste the seller's time.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: bid retractions

    Thanx Stu. Done just that ops: ops: ops:

  5. #5

    Default Re: bid retractions

    No probs. I'd rather see people get their problem sorted and stay with eBid than haev a bad experience, not know what to do about it and walk away with a bad impression of the system.

    Welcome to eBid. Come over to the Kitchen Table forum and join the rest of us nutters.

  6. #6

    Default Re: bid retractions

    I'm new to ebid.
    I have bought a cuople of things and have been very happy with everything although like a cuople of other people i accidentaly put in £1600 instead of £16 I contacted the seller (uk bestbuy.com) immediatly and got no response they have know blackballed me!!.
    whats does this mean??
    and will it effect me bidding on any thing else??
    and can I be taken of the list?
    I am a ebayer usually with excellent feedback of almost 45 happy transactions I would hate to be put of using ebid because of this

  7. #7

    Default Re: bid retractions

    I'm new to ebid.
    I have bought a cuople of things and have been very happy with everything although like a cuople of other people i accidentaly put in £1600 instead of £16 I contacted the seller (uk bestbuy.com) immediatly and got no response they have know blackballed me!!.
    whats does this mean??
    and will it effect me bidding on any thing else??
    and can I be taken of the list?
    I am a ebayer usually with excellent feedback of almost 45 happy transactions I would hate to be put of using ebid because of this

    Hi Jan,
    It justs means you cant bid on their auctions again
    It will not affect you bidding on anything else,you can only come off their list if they remove it.

    In order to view the items I current have click on the following link: http://wrestler.ebid.co.uk/perl/obje...iers&type=user

  8. #8

    Default Re: bid retractions

    i have tried to contact (uk bestbuy) 5 times and no reply its a disgrace and i think we should b able to retract they could give time limit like 5 mins

  9. #9

    Default Re: bid retractions

    If you goto website suggestions forum http://wrestler.ebid.co.uk/community/viewforum.php?f=3 and suggest it in there with the reasons why you think it should be allowed you never know they might add it.

    I do think it should be time served though also because it is a system that is open for abuse as another poster has mentioned. Perhaps if you are only allowed to withdraw a bid and put in your intended amount at the same time would be a fairer way.

    I do suggest thought a quick email to m&g straightaway anyways if you should happen to overbid just to cover yourselves and of course one to the seller.
    Glass animals, Hagen Renaker, Lomonosov

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