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Thread: Fair Trading

  1. #1

    Default Fair Trading

    I recently posted on the Fair Trader discussion forum with my views on the eBid experience, and thought to reproduce it here - intended as praise and a plug for eBid, aimed at those undecided potential members who explore eBid auctions and click on the Fair Trader logo wherever it may be seen. Any comments, good or bad, welcome:

    "eBid has a superb ethical business model that imparts honesty and fairness. This in itself is one of the attractions for its Membership - not merely its low involvement costs, but also an extremely active, efficient and responsive Customer Support, a genuine overall comradeship among Members, a great Community Forum that provides more answers than any FAQ pages, and of course a clean and straightforward Site, that is simple to use and navigate.
    eBid, with its ever-increasing Membership, is consequently attracting many first time sellers and buyers, plus sellers with a presence in more than one auction site, as well as those sellers who are disgruntled by their experiences elsewhere. I believe that eBid's attraction is not just about free auctions or low seller operating costs, but more due to its fresh and humanistic approach toward its Members that imbues a real and enjoyable auction experience.
    Inevitably there are some Members who are less than happy with their sales figures, but they should cease comparing with the modus operandi of other sites and instead concentrate on why they are not generating the sales they want. Many eBid Seller Members are doing very well so it is not the platform that is at fault, and unhappy bunnies should look to their own presentations, price and postage structures, even what they are selling, before making judgement. The present economic climate and the persistence of scams and cons on-line has made the average buyer extra cautious, and if they are 'looking' they are potentially buying - so this is a matter that sellers must address by the way in which they present themselves, offer their products, provide their services and communicate with Buyers. Trust is not given, it must be earned.
    The above is my personal view and is in no way representing those of eBid, the company, or its Membership."

  2. #2


    Good informative piece, emphasises the best attributes of eBid.

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  3. #3


    Very succinctly put!!
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