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Thread: Store category suggestions

  1. #1
    Forum Newbie
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    Default Store category suggestions

    Hi Gazza, Mark, and everyone else,
    Thank you for taking the time to read and respond to this post.

    We are just getting ready to start listing our items in our store. At this time we are only able to list an item in 1 store category. Although we try to keep all of our items listed in the most relevant category in our store, we have many pieces of jewelry that are typically worn in at least 2 primary locations.

    It would really help us (and our buyers) if we could list the items in more than one category. If there is a way to do this, then please link it in here so that we can do it. If there is not, would it be possible to make the changes needed to allow listing items in 2 categories. For example:
    16g 3/8" Captive Bead Rings are very popular in the eyebrow and lip. We have a category devoted to CBR's but we would like to be able to also list the item in the Eyebrow category.

    Another suggestion for the store categories would be to allow us one more tier of categories. Once again, this might be something that is particular to what we sell, but it would benefit my store greatly and help to alleviate some of the frustration that a buyer might have when trying to locate a specific item. Rather than sorting through 64 listings to find the color/size that they are looking for the customer would only have to sort through 32.

    We are currently using the bulk uploader so if there is a way to do it please let us know. If it is something that is just not possible please let us know that also. If there are any other sellers that would like to see these put into place please add your comments as well so that I will not feel like the only seller that needs this. =)

    Body Accents

  2. #2
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    B.A.--If you are wanting to do what I think you're wanting to do--Go to my eBid (yours not mine) and click on the Sell tab at top. On the left outside column there is a link to faqs on selling and starting auctions. Question #2 lists the common fees and at the bottom it lists extras, one of which is extra categories. I therefore assume that you can edit your listings and add this extra. I've never done it so this is as much as I know. Let us all know how it turns out.

  3. #3


    It is not currently possible to list an item in more than one STORE category.

    It is possible to list an AUCTION in two separate SALES categories. The second SALES category will carry an extra charge which will be payable every time the auction re-lists.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by BodyAccents View Post
    It would really help us (and our buyers) if we could list the items in more than one category. If there is a way to do this, then please link it in here so that we can do it. If there is not, would it be possible to make the changes needed to allow listing items in 2 categories. For example:
    16g 3/8" Captive Bead Rings are very popular in the eyebrow and lip. We have a category devoted to CBR's but we would like to be able to also list the item in the Eyebrow category.
    I would have thought that your buyers were smart enough to realize that the jewelry can be used in multiple places. Do they really need to be told where to use it with the category name?

    If you believe that they need extra guidance, why not simply include those details in the auctions. Then have some of the piercings in the eyebrow category and others in the lip. Your customers will then be educated as to the dual-use of the item no matter which category they browse. Or you could simply include " for eyebrow or lip" in the title of each auction.

  5. #5
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    Thank you both for your replies. We are wanting to list items (8 or 10 I think) in more than one store category. Since this is not currently possible right now we will use the more appropriate category for now. With any luck the Admin will adress this and change it...then again it is possible that we are the only ones who need this and we are not so full of ourselves to think the admin will change things for just us. =)

    Thanks again for the replies,
    Body Accents

  6. #6
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    Well, although I agree with you to some point D&S we try to list in more than one category as a courtesy to our customers. It is not that we are trying to tell them where to go, more like for those that want to look for the item in eyebrow (not everyone knows they are called CBR's a lot of people look for "hoops") we have it there and we have it in it's proper category.

    As far as putting the information in our titles, that will not work. Our titles are too specific for that and we are not willing to make them less specific just to add less pertinent information to the listing title. It was a great suggestion for a workaround, it's just not something that we are willing to do.

    Give us a couple of weeks to get all of our listings into the bulk uploader and you will see what we are talking about.

    Thanks again for the replies and the great suggestions,
    Body Accents

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