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Thread: Holiday Dinners

  1. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by ejean9 View Post
    xmas pudding has fruit and spices...raisens currants nutmeg all sorts of things..can you not buy it in your shops ?
    Hi, I have never seen it in any store. Sounds yummy maybe I can look up that recipe also. I am kindof in charge of the food for Thanksgiving and Christmas and I need to start making recipes now and picking from them on what to serve.

  2. #12


    When I've done dinners for a large number of people I've always done a selection of meats - for our christmas which I believe you call it by a nicer name - holidays - I've always had the traditional turkey, but had lamb, beef, pork, and duck - which if timed right, comes out of the oven just as the guests are arriving.

    I've used the beed and turkey juices for gravy (by the gallon), the duck fat for roast potatoes and roast parsnips, and had the full selection of veg - peas, beans, brussel sprouts, cabbage, swedes, carrots, new or home mashed potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower etc. For trimmings I'd do piggies in blankets (sausage wrapped in bacon), home made bread stuffing, and stuffing with sausagemeat, yorkshire puds to go with the beef, and all the appropriate sauces - horseradish, applesauce, etc to go with the meats.

    I used to set the table, with the carved meats on plates in the table centre - with the apprioriate sauces on the table, put empty warm plates in front of each guest - not forgetting myself, at the head nearest the door - then serve the veg, again in their own warm tureens for every guest to help themselves. Remember to put potholders or similar on the table in case the tureens are hotter than intended. Usually, just as I sat down to eat, I suddenly didn't feel hungry, and I'd forgotten all about the wine, still chiling in the fridge - with no room on the table to put it.

    I never used to worry about starters, nor dessert, as I was and still am known for my large feasty meals. Although I do tend to have some light dessert to offer, and at our xmas, the traditional xmas pud.

    If I'm doing a lazy gathering, I always do a buffet type meal, with cold meats, sausage rolls, chicken legs or drumsticks, veg suitable for serving cold, crusty rolls, cheese chunks with pineapple or pickle onions, pizza and quiche squares or triangles (depending which baking tin I have used) and a selection of dips and sauces.

    Don't know if this helps, but its how I've always done dinners and probably always will. By putting it in tureens it saves the 'yuk, don't like that' or 'you've put too much on for me'. I always think if they've put something on their plate they don't like, or their plate is too full, its their fault.

    Sewing Room Creations - for hand crafted gift ideas & doll accessories.

  3. #13


    What kind of sprouts are you talking about? If anyone didn't know better they would swear I never cook. I like making the fun stuff cakes, pies, homemade breads, and candies.

  4. #14


    I found the following for Brussel Sprouts last year - and it is excellent.
    I could eat these all day.........
    I will copy the complete recipe page.........

    This is the only way to eat brussels sprouts: cut in half and cooked until deliciously tender inside and perfectly brown and crusted on the outside.

    Use brussels sprouts that are on the small size and tightly closed. You can finish these with many different types of cheese but I tend to go for Parmesan when the weather is good. I trade that in for heavier cheeses like gruyere or Gouda in colder weather. I finished them off with some toasted hazelnuts the other night - delicious!

    24 small brussels sprouts
    1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil, plus more for rubbing
    fine-grain sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
    1/4 cup grated cheese of your choice

    Wash the brussels sprouts well. Trim the stem ends and remove any raggy outer leaves. Cut in half from stem to top and gently rub each half with olive oil, keeping it intact (or if you are lazy just toss them in a bowl with a glug of olive oil).

    Heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil in your largest skillet over medium heat. Don’t overheat the skillet, or the outsides of the brussels sprouts will cook too quickly. Place the brussels sprouts in the pan flat side down (single-layer), sprinkle with a couple pinches of salt, cover, and cook for roughly 5 minutes; the bottoms of the sprouts should only show a hint of browning. Cut into or taste one of the sprouts to gauge whether they’re tender throughout. If not, cover and cook for a few more minutes.

    Once just tender, uncover, turn up the heat, and cook until the flat sides are deep brown and caramelized. Use a metal spatula to toss them once or twice to get some browning on the rounded side. Season with more salt, a few grinds of pepper, and a dusting of grated cheese. While you might be able to get away with keeping a platter of these warm in the oven for a few minutes, they are exponentially tastier if popped in your mouth immediately.

  5. #15
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    piggies in blankets

  6. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by ejean9 View Post
    sprouts mashed with butter and pepper...mmmm

    Mashed pot with grated cheese, finely chopped onion, and touch of garlic - or mashed pot with corned beef, grated carrot, with a bit of finely chopped onion or garlic. Great for a pie and can be used for buffets, picnics, packed lunches etc.

    Sewing Room Creations - for hand crafted gift ideas & doll accessories.

  7. #17


    I want to go to Babs house for dinner and forget making it myself!!!

  8. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by heidelbergreece View Post
    what is xmas pudding? I mean what does it have in it?

    If you need a recipe, send me a pm with your email address and I'll scan a few and mail to you. I can also do the same with my favorite christmas cake receipt too if you like.

    Sewing Room Creations - for hand crafted gift ideas & doll accessories.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by heidelbergreece View Post
    I want to go to Babs house for dinner and forget making it myself!!!
    me too !!

  10. #20


    My favorite cake to make is a better than sex cake and my favorite pie is a double layer pumpkins pie.

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