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Thread: Bite the bullet

  1. #1

    Default Bite the bullet

    Hello everyone. After reading some posts this morning I think some people might have to bite the bullet and get a real job. It's great if you can make a living selling online and some do. Those that expect some miracle to be able to sit at home and make a whack of cash are unrealistic. Probally do your health alot of good to get off your fanny and join most of the world that has to have a real job. Counting on an auction site to be you answer to everything is not the way to go I feel. Of course it's only my opinion. With that said I'm off to work for awhile. Have a great day everyone.

  2. #2
    Forum Saint ejean9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by canuckbid View Post
    Hello everyone. After reading some posts this morning I think some people might have to bite the bullet and get a real job. It's great if you can make a living selling online and some do. Those that expect some miracle to be able to sit at home and make a whack of cash are unrealistic. Probally do your health alot of good to get off your fanny and join most of the world that has to have a real job. Counting on an auction site to be you answer to everything is not the way to go I feel. Of course it's only my opinion. With that said I'm off to work for awhile. Have a great day everyone.

  3. #3
    Forum Saint shezz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by canuckbid View Post
    Hello everyone. After reading some posts this morning I think some people might have to bite the bullet and get a real job. It's great if you can make a living selling online and some do. Those that expect some miracle to be able to sit at home and make a whack of cash are unrealistic. Probally do your health alot of good to get off your fanny and join most of the world that has to have a real job. Counting on an auction site to be you answer to everything is not the way to go I feel. Of course it's only my opinion. With that said I'm off to work for awhile. Have a great day everyone.
    although i agree that if you think your gonna make a mint wiv selling online then you had better think again, but your post sounds like you are putting down some people on here for at least trying, you have to realse that there are some people that are unable to work for one reason or another, and there only income could be trying to make money from online auctions. so i beg to differ when you say to get off your fanny and join the world, sure most of these peeps would give there right arm to do that
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  4. #4
    Forum Lurker ohhpretty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by canuckbid View Post
    Hello everyone. After reading some posts this morning I think some people might have to bite the bullet and get a real job. It's great if you can make a living selling online and some do. Those that expect some miracle to be able to sit at home and make a whack of cash are unrealistic. Probally do your health alot of good to get off your fanny and join most of the world that has to have a real job. Counting on an auction site to be you answer to everything is not the way to go I feel. Of course it's only my opinion. With that said I'm off to work for awhile. Have a great day everyone.
    how very judgemental !!

  5. #5
    Forum Saint Huddylion's Avatar
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    I'd love to be able to get off me fanny and do a proper job , and i hope to be at least working a few hours within the next four weeks, can't bleedin wait, just hope the injections are working on ma back, mot doing much at the moment but gotta give it a couple of weeks for them to work (they had better work) if i have to spend much more time at home 24/7 then i might just flip, there is only so much a fella can take

    So the answer my friend is i'd loveeeeeeee to get off my fanny if i could , and i'm sure there are a lot more in the same boat

    But then i'm thinking it wasn't meant like it sounded as our friend is from overseas and the wording may be different ??????
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  6. #6
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    I suspect canuckbid had a particular subset of newbies in mind, and was a little careless about how he applied his criticism. I got off my fanny for many years until a few years ago my employer decided my fanny was no longer required. Since then I reckon I've earned the right to live as a pauper for the pleasure of keeping my fanny to myself. Since I've never complained about lack of cash or lack of sales, I am confident my fanny is not implicated in this rant. Swapping stress for an empty bank account was my choice - I could have looked for a proper job, but I'd had enough. So this life is my choice and a day never passes without it feeling like a smart move. My fanny is staying right here.

  7. #7
    Forum Saint shezz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bykimbo View Post
    I suspect canuckbid had a particular subset of newbies in mind, and was a little careless about how he applied his criticism. I got off my fanny for many years until a few years ago my employer decided my fanny was no longer required. Since then I reckon I've earned the right to live as a pauper for the pleasure of keeping my fanny to myself. Since I've never complained about lack of cash or lack of sales, I am confident my fanny is not implicated in this rant. Swapping stress for an empty bank account was my choice - I could have looked for a proper job, but I'd had enough. So this life is my choice and a day never passes without it feeling like a smart move. My fanny is staying right here.

    Life is serious but taking it too seriously robs you of
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by bykimbo View Post
    I suspect canuckbid had a particular subset of newbies in mind, and was a little careless about how he applied his criticism. I got off my fanny for many years until a few years ago my employer decided my fanny was no longer required. Since then I reckon I've earned the right to live as a pauper for the pleasure of keeping my fanny to myself. Since I've never complained about lack of cash or lack of sales, I am confident my fanny is not implicated in this rant. Swapping stress for an empty bank account was my choice - I could have looked for a proper job, but I'd had enough. So this life is my choice and a day never passes without it feeling like a smart move. My fanny is staying right here.


  9. #9


    Just out of interest - and a yes or no answer will suffice - are Canadians and Americans aware of the British definition of "fanny"? It's clearly not the same there as here.

  10. #10


    Having worked for over 35 years, and having worked from the age of 7 years - doing all sorts, catering, cleaning, nursing, office, building, decorating, office work and loads of other physical manual work inbetween for paid work and home maintenance - working in some cases 18 plus hours a day, 7 days a week for years on end, with my health suffering as a consequence, I think that I have more than earned the right to park my fanny exactly where I want to.

    Go back to the general drudge having to get out of bed at the sound of the alarm, shower for work, dress smartly for work with make up etc,(last job was the office work), battle through bumper to bumper traffic for an hour to find no spaces in the car park, so have to park the car over half a mile from the office. I've left my coat at home and its raining, to find that when I get there I am late, soaked through to the skin, and I've a queue of people waiting to 'pull my hair out' because they've received the final pre court action demand in this mornings post that I did yesterday because they are 3 months behind with their rent. The other girl hasn't turned in because she needs to sleep in as she couldn't sleep so took tablets are 4 and hasn't woken up properly enough to come to work (yep, it happened), and when she does turn in, she needs to re-do her make-up, and hair, she's bust a nail and is crying .... Her list is endless. Do endless pages of account spreadsheets for the accountant, the vat returns, answer the phone, process ground rents .... Go back to that???? Not on your life. The only thing I didn't do was boil the kettle ... Not because I was too lazy, but I had a water dispenser for hot and cold water. If I didn't have that, each time I boiled the kettle for me to have coffee by the time I had gone back to it, some thief has used the water and I had to wait again for the kettle to boil, so back to square one. If I have to work for peanuts - I can do that at home - and if I put the kettle on to boil, even if its 3 hours later when I return to it, I know my water is still in it.

    If that means in front of my sewing machine and then in front of the computer trying to rustle together a few coppers, and the opportunity to provide home care for my hubby and my two dogs, then so be it. It is my choice. No-one forced me to do it, and I wouldn't swap my position for any money in the world.

    But then, each to his own - we are all different, which is what makes us individuals.

    I hope your work day went according to plan.

    Sewing Room Creations - for hand crafted gift ideas & doll accessories.

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