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Thread: How do I report NPB

  1. #11
    Forum Saint
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    What a performance! I suggest that you a. reassure the buyer they are genuine and then b. propose that since she is unable to pay right now, and can't say for sure when she will be able to, that you cancel this sale and you relist the item - with another assurance that she'll be very welcome to buy when she's in a position to pay. Oh, and be all polite and nice about thanking her for not making a fuss and sending a cheque, blah blah. Nicey nicey. Be friendly, be firm, say how much easier it will be for both of you to cancel now and she can rebuy later... and hope she's not reading this thread.

  2. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by eclectica View Post
    Hi again,
    Took your advice and emailed to ask her to pay within 24 hrs, -saying i would remove the NPB if she did.
    This is a copy of her reply:

    unfortunetly my palpay account will not be up and running for a few days as i reached my yearly limit and has to go through verification which i have informed ebid of and i see ita waste of both of our time writing a cheque for 1.99 so again you will have to let me know what you wan't to do,also i recently ordered some"925 sterling silver"items recently and when they arrived they was silver plated and alot of people on ebid seem to have been caught out the same i am now fighting for a refund and to get the seller removed from ebid so please make sure what u send me IS genuine sterling silver as the seller claimed she had no idea it was fake! kind regards, nicola.

    What can I do? - what a hassle for some 99p earrings (which incidentally are 925 silver!)

    Lennie x
    It sounds like 1 excuse after the other. First they go to her spam folder, then they say they have paypal limits preventing them from paying, and then a cheque is too much hassle.

    It is quite clear to me that the buyer does not want to carry the transaction through, but they are trying to get you to say this first rather than them saying it.

    If this was one of my buyers, I would leave a neutral, as I could not leave positive as they have not made it a positive experience from what you said, then I would add them to my blackball list to prevent them doing this to you in the future.

    If you get a neg in response, then contact admin, who will change it if they feel it is unfair. When leaving feedback, keep it crystal clear as to what has occurred and keep it factual.

  3. #13


    Is it item No. 1220890176-29124-0 that the buyer brought?

  4. #14


    Is it item No. 1220890176-29124-0 that the buyer brought?

    Hi again,
    Yes - thats it!
    and thanks again all!

    cheers Lennie x

  5. #15


    The buyer in question has purchased some items after the transaction with you.

    Now what I would say is that the buyer seems to have changed their mind.

    With reference to them trying to get an eBid member banned, then i would say this is probably not true as if I was going to do this then I would leave negative first. The buyer has not left negative for anyone at the time of typing this post.

    At the end of the day only the seller can decide which way to proceed, but my honest opinion this seems to be a nightmare transaction and would want to get rid of it as soon as possible.

  6. #16


    Thanks all - I'll certainly try to get rid of this one...(politely!) but what do I do about the npb? Do I remove it if she agrees not to go ahead?
    Lennie x

  7. #17

    Default what should I spend it all on?

    Well - I emailed to suggest cancelling...and guess what - suddenly, miraculously the paypal account is now working, the earrings are paid for..I've got my 99p!!!!!
    I think I'll wait on leaving feedback until it's left for me though!!!

  8. #18
    Forum Saint
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  9. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by eclectica View Post
    Well - I emailed to suggest cancelling...and guess what - suddenly, miraculously the paypal account is now working, the earrings are paid for..I've got my 99p!!!!!
    I think I'll wait on leaving feedback until it's left for me though!!!

    Even if you leave it now then you can change it on here.

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