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Thread: Item Not received

  1. #1
    Forum Newbie
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    Angry Item Not received

    Is it possible to get a refund from a seller if I bought an item received an invoice and paid by google and the seller emailed you that your item has been shipped and provided tracking number by fedex and then google sent an email refunding my order and the seller contacted me and said there was some problem with my account and he has a personnel account with chase and since the item has already been shipped he neeeds his payment and as a good person took his name and account number and deposited the money but now I never received my cellphone. I have the receipt from the deposit and his full name but I try calling him and he hangs the phone up in my ears. Can you give me any helpful advise I am out 260USD.

  2. #2


    Ouch. sounds like you got scammed.. Lesson learned to everyone- if you are buyer, dont let a seller rush you.. if buyer says they shipped item, wait until item arrives, and then deal with any issues on sending money, etc. It's easy to go to paypal and print a shipping label for USPS or to UPS.com and print out a shipping label and get a tracking number, and then cancel the shipment after. You'll see a tracking number and think item is on the way, when it isnt..

    As a Seller, never let a buyer bully you into refunding anything until you have the actual exact item back that you shipped, or other sufficient proof..

    Overall, I think the #1 lesson to be learned is, *BE PATIENT* and take your time, don't just rely on trust alone, unless you are 100% absolutely sure your trust is well placed... Otherwise, wait until the item that was supposedly shipped actually does arrive, make sure tracking information is active and it is moving from place to place... and when it gets there, make sure it is what it is supposed to be.. (I once had a buyer say they shipped item back, gave tracking number, I checked the status and saw it was actually at my local post office, and in a rush to be a great seller and get good feedback, I immediately refunded the sale ($60 and change) when I got to the post office the following day and claimed the package.. It was an EMPTY BOX with nothing in it!!!

    Patience.. Patience.. rushing, or allowing yourself to be rushed, into a transaction is a favorite ploy of con artists worldwide.
    Many changes yet again, started a new venture, and you can watch my store grow here: Really Rural Woodworks

  3. #3
    Forum Saint HannaHolly's Avatar
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    Sign, will people ever learn. There are so many tips on staying safe on line, but whilst there are buyers and sellers who ignore them- there will always be scammers.

  4. #4
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    Default Item not received

    So with this guys account number and name can he be reported to anyone or is there any way ebid can work on getting me a refund

  5. #5


    eBid cannot work on getting you a refund as eBid did not pay the seller, you did. If they are asked to give details to the police (unlikely) then they will do as I would expect that they would have no choice but data protection is a very tricky area.

  6. #6
    Forum Master TexasAda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrlovadre View Post
    Is it possible to get a refund from a seller if I bought an item received an invoice and paid by google and the seller emailed you that your item has been shipped and provided tracking number by fedex and then google sent an email refunding my order and the seller contacted me and said there was some problem with my account and he has a personnel account with chase and since the item has already been shipped he neeeds his payment and as a good person took his name and account number and deposited the money but now I never received my cellphone. I have the receipt from the deposit and his full name but I try calling him and he hangs the phone up in my ears. Can you give me any helpful advise I am out 260USD.
    Do I understand correctly that Google refunded your payment so you next paid him directly with a credit card?

    Also have you verified with Fedex that the tracking number he gave you is bogus? Did you receive an empty box from him? Did you receive nothing from him?

  7. #7


    if the seller is in the USA you can go to your local police department and file a complaint, they *might* get the FBI involved, if the fraud can be proven, but most likely odds are you wont be able to recover your money. When you signed up at Ebid, you agreed to the terms, stipulating that ebid is merely a venue where buyers and sellers can make deals, but they have no direct involvement in the transaction- It is up to the buyer to make sure the seller is legit, and that they get the product they paid for. If you paid for the item using your credit card, call your credit card issuing bank and file a fraud report, file for a chargeback, dispute the charge. If you paid for it via E-Check or direct bank account transfer, you need to go to your bank, and they might be able to recover your money, might not, but Ebid can do nothing other than provide data that the police may request in order to collect evidence in a criminal case, and only if the police directly request this information.

    Either way, if it is indeed fraud, you need to go to the local police, and file a report.

    Other than that, only other thing you can do on Ebid is post negative feedback to the seller.
    Many changes yet again, started a new venture, and you can watch my store grow here: Really Rural Woodworks

  8. #8


    What method did you use to deposit the money into his account? Did you go into a Chase bank and fill out a deposit slip with his account information on it and deposit the money that way? And if so, did you deposit using cash, personal check, or what?

    Records, VideoDiscs, Tapes, Books, Puzzles, Gifts

  9. #9


    why did google send an email to you refunding your payment... was it down to you or did the seller refuse your payment.... if it was due to the seller why did you not question them about it at the time before you paid him again.

    and as ideal says when you signed up with ebid you signed their T&C.... didn't you read them first.... thats why they are there

  10. #10


    Hopefully you saved all of your E-mails back and forth etc...it is time to go to the banks involved as advised by others and see if they can get you moving on the fraud path with them or the police. Every state has an Internet Fraud Department usually under the Attorney General's office and that applies to state this seller comes from. I had one such occurrence early on as a buyer...filed a complaint with AG office in his state for internet fraud. 18 months later I received notification that this person(man and woman actually) had been arrested, filled out another informational form with more details about transaction (paid by check) and I am waiting. I as a result of this I now exclusively use Paypal where BUYER and SELLER are protected. In every instance I have as a buyer received my money back either directly or as part of their buyer protection policies. I have never had a return or complaint on any card sold and work hard to keep it that way. If I did...upon return in same condition as it left...I would issue a refund which is what you are supposed to do. The Alarm bells should have rang when you were told to go to bank and directly deposit money etc...BIG NO NO...I feel sorry for you that someone did this...but you will have to spend time and effort if you ever hope to get your money back...if at all....a lesson learned for you is what you received.

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