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Thread: Diet buddy..

  1. #121


    Quote Originally Posted by pearlygirl555 View Post
    Hi All!
    I surprised myself by not eating in response to a lot of stress earlier this week. Had many challenging situations come up with reference to my mom within 48 hours, don't know if it was just that I never had time to process one wave of fury before the next one came along. Didn't even think about comfort food until I checked this thread and hit that shepherd's pie a little while back.

    Good luck to all!
    well done for holding back against all temptations pearly

    Dont let the sheep get you down - tomorrows another day

  2. #122
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    Nice avatar, phan....didn't these little fellows seriously compromise your mental health a while back?!
    "You're a guest of nature.....so behave!"

  3. #123


    Quote Originally Posted by pearlygirl555 View Post
    Nice avatar, phan....didn't these little fellows seriously compromise your mental health a while back?!
    This is soooooooo true, but Im getting used to the bipolar and once ruthie had "santatised" it, I got a bit more used to it LOL

    Was away for the weekend, so was dreading weigh in today, but LOST!!!!!

    pound and a half OFF - yeeehaa!! Im going back to Butlins next week LOL

  4. #124


    Well done every one. I lost a pound too. Great to get it off before the Christmas Rush of piling a few more on to get rid of them again

  5. #125


    I'm pleased too, the clothes are starting to loosen up a bit, much more comfy.

    Half a stone gone since the beginning, things are looking up .

    Just another 21lb to go to get back to normal.....

  6. #126


    I'm happy with 2 pounds off in the last 2 weeks! - that is 85 pounds altogether - but now I've slowed down a lot.

    Unfortunately, according to WW I still need to lose another 101 pounds to get to goal!! (Ridiculous! LOL)
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  7. #127


    wow Jude, thats so good

    Well done to everyone - looks like weve all had a good week this week

    have to say, ive got to find a new pair of "comfy jeans" the ones Ive been wearing I had to keep hitching up while we was out shopping today!!

    Consolation though, with one hand I was picking up a packet of mars bars, and the other I was pulling me trews up. It reminded me that i didnt need the mars bars and put them back on the shelf <pats myself on the back> tonight I am craving chocolate!! sooooooo glad I didnt buy them, cos I know I would be tucking into them now.

    Had to laugh in iceland too. They were refilling shelves so aisles were narrow due to pallets. A lady in a wheelchair was struggling to pass, so I pulled my trolley over so she could get through. Where was I? Stood right next to the fridges - I had a stare out with the packets of lard and when I realised just how many of them i had shed from my belly, I LOL'd real time!!

  8. #128


    PhAnMaLe is a happy bunny today
    Instead of doing listings like I should have been, I went and stood in a queue at Argos and got some bargain photo frames for my dad and his partner, and OH's mum and dad.
    Then went to Asda to try some George and bought myself a new top and a pair of jeans - in a size smaller than what I have been for the last year!!!!! WOOHOO So me is happy atm.

    Now just gotta get some pics done and some descriptions done and then I can carry on with listing some auctions like I should have been doing today...

  9. #129


    I just fell off the wagon again this morning. Toasted bagels and butter, in response to finding out that I'm going to be out of a job at the end of January after all. Not that it matters, I can't afford to keep working where I am at the moment anyway, I'm effectively working for nothing, and I didn't mind that when there was the prospect of something much better coming up but now I'm not going to be able to transfer onto the graduate scheme, so that's that.

    Gloom, depression, despondency .......and buttered toasted bagels.

  10. #130


    Quote Originally Posted by SalusLibrorum View Post
    I just fell off the wagon again this morning. Toasted bagels and butter, in response to finding out that I'm going to be out of a job at the end of January after all. Not that it matters, I can't afford to keep working where I am at the moment anyway, I'm effectively working for nothing, and I didn't mind that when there was the prospect of something much better coming up but now I'm not going to be able to transfer onto the graduate scheme, so that's that.

    Gloom, depression, despondency .......and buttered toasted bagels.
    Sorry to hear that Hazel (about the job not the falling off the wagon)

    I have to admit I am craving something and I dont know what, so I have dipped into the peanut butter, I made chocolate pudding and custard and have had 2 packets of crisps but am still not "satisfied"

    Heres hoping my new clothes fit tomorrow

    Chin up hon, tomorrows another day, and although I cant help with the employment front, dont ever forget to come and vent on the thread {{{{hugz}}}}}

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