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Thread: 100 ways to kill 8 hours please??

  1. #41


    Quote Originally Posted by UniquenMornique View Post
    Hi no pain no gain he chose tattoo so he must cope with the pain.
    As for taking him off your hands I will swap for 21 year old girl with loads of attitude & ailments what do you think?
    No really she isn't well so scrap that .
    How old is son I had four brothers so am experienced with boys
    Hi Mornique

    Tattoo boy Phil is happier now cos the skins healing and he can appreciate his "dragon on sword" better. He is 21 and the one that was threatening to move out. Lee (busted hand) is 23 and although he moved out to live with his fiance, practically lives here since hes been signed off work cos "hes bored"!

    25 yo Andy (my eldest) moved back late July/early August and has no intentions of going anywhere - hes the one thats moved in and out so many times, we call him Zebedee

    And Matt is 15 in January - so no doubt is approaching the "man phase" very swiftly!!

  2. #42
    Forum Master pearlygirl555's Avatar
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    Sounds like he might need to get his ring resized when his finger has healed up all the way! I have a titanium rod holding my left forearm together from the pinkie to the elbow, and that thin skin is very sensitive! Particularly to contact with other metals....came through the airport security okay though, when we flew earlier this year. Good luck to YOU, in addition to Lee!

    Love your turtley friend!
    "You're a guest of nature.....so behave!"

  3. #43


    Quote Originally Posted by pearlygirl555 View Post
    Sounds like he might need to get his ring resized when his finger has healed up all the way! I have a titanium rod holding my left forearm together from the pinkie to the elbow, and that thin skin is very sensitive! Particularly to contact with other metals....came through the airport security okay though, when we flew earlier this year. Good luck to YOU, in addition to Lee!

    Love your turtley friend!
    The ring was slightly too big, and they was talking of getting it put in to be resized on his next day off. He took it off to play football and thats when he did his finger in, so bit of luck there really. I did say that his finger would probably be bigger at the end of all this!

    Re going through airports - thats the 2nd funny thing - they were due to travel for 2 years in December - needless to say thats been put off at least until he gets his 12 week sick note finalised!

  4. #44


    oh and thanks for the luck - you never know when it might come in handy!!

    The turtle was sent to me among other pics in an email from an american friend - just loved it - had to post him somewhere!!

  5. #45


    A Lee Update - 6 weeks post op.
    Our run to East Grinstead is fortnightly now - since I complained about the journey time so its not so drastic. Today was consultant check combined with Physio - his finger is as straight as its going to get (bent, but straighter than when he broke it!) but apparently is now combatting being bent (as it should be). So he has to work on bending it again, whilst keeping it straight LOL

    XRays show the finger still has gaps in the bone, although the consultant said there could be cartilage growing but it wont show on the Xray. It was nice to be able to see the 3 screws he now has inserted in his finger though!

    Got to have a consultant check again in 4 weeks to see if there is improvement in bone growth, still regular physio (2 weekly) and still time off work and possiblity that he might not be ready to go to New Zealand at the end of January - well, he *was* told

    But overall, yet again, cant complain at the service - seen bang on time of appt, had physio, xrays, consultant chat and more physio all in half an hour. So well done staff at East Grinstead

    Now if you could just sort out your parking, and move a little closer so its not such a trek.....

  6. #46


    sleep for 6hrs
    Don't walk in front of me..I may not follow-don't walk behind me..I may not lead-just walk beside me and be my friend.
    Albert Camus

    27hours 30minutes without sleep

  7. #47


    Quote Originally Posted by craig7501 View Post
    sleep for 6hrs

    if only i could - im an insomniac

    re the post - I have to drive for 3 of them - it might cause a problem if I tried your suggestion Craig

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