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Thread: no credit card

  1. #1
    Forum Newbie
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    Sep 2003
    Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
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    Default no credit card

    I had some really great medicine bags and wolf teeth necklaces to sell and had everything filled out to list then lo and behold I get to the end and get asked for a credit card ... mmm ... I'm a Traditional Mohawk Woman ... I have no credit card ... no bank account ... this machine I'm on belongs to a Friend. I'm thinking why can't I just do C.O.D.? I was only accepting cash or money orders anyhow ... why do I need to have a credit card? Someone out there in Britain ... can you send a message to Canada and offer a bit of guidence here.
    Dawn Smoke [socretes]

  2. #2

    Default Re: no credit card

    Hi socretes,

    You need a credit card to sell anything here. This helps with address verefication.. I find nearly all of my bidders pay me through a cheque, bank transfer or online account like Paypal which puts money into my account through my debit card.
    I have been selling for over two years & have had a couple of cash payments and five money orders out of 550 transactions.
    If it were possible for you to sell with cash you would be seriously limiting your customer base to one or two bidders.

    Is there any way you could set up a bank account?
    It is worth it as there would be bidders who would be interested.

  3. #3

    Default Re: no credit card

    for the definative answer try emailing ' support@ebid.co.uk ' they are very nice and will give you an answer pretty quickly.
    Relive those Commodore Amiga days here! The AMIGA lives ON! Contact me by AIM, YM, MSN, PM, EMAIL or by phone (on request!)

  4. #4

    Default Re: no credit card

    I think it works along the following lines:

    If you want to be a seller, you might want to take advantage of eBids advanced features for listing, which have a cost. You register your CC with the system verify yourself as a seller (and provide some basica location and address checking), then your registered CC can be automatically debitted if you decide to use any of the advanced features.

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